Ps 24 Spuyten Duyvil School

Bronx, New York
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80,005 artworks
- 1 this year
- 0 this year
2,906 statements
- 0 this year
3,901 fans
- 1 this year
0 student awards this year
215,214 visitors
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Hello to All of You,
I miss seeing you all in person, but am so happy to see so much of your creativity working at home. I am tremendously proud of each and every one of you. I especially want to thank your family for making the arts an important part of your lives.
Thanks to all of you PS 24 artists, you have been so busy making masterpieces and building your digital portfolios. I especially love reading the artists statements which give me such insight into what you are thinking about your art. I also love reading the comments for your fans, they motivate me to see your work in a new way. Take time to visit other grades galleries to see their masterpieces. STAY CREATIVE!
Lauren LaPorte