Horace Mann Elementary

Beverly Hills, California
School Activity
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719 artworks
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585 fans
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6,296 visitors
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The first award will be earned after publishing 1,000 artworks!
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Welcome to the 2024 HM Virtual Art Show! As our school's lucky art teacher, I am excited to share these amazing art pieces created by some of our talented K- 5th grade Husky artists during this past school year. Make sure to click on each project to see all 150 uniquely inspiring works of art.

This art collection was featured in our second annual BHUSD Elementary Art Show in early May in the upstairs auditorium of the Beverly Hills Public Library. It was amazing to feel the joy and enthusiasm at the opening reception!

I am once again thrilled to have this virtual platform to continue sharing this beautiful student artwork with an even wider audience. Let's keep on celebrating the magic of creativity!

xo Ms.Graham

"As subjects or inspiration, children have always played a key role in my artistic life- their originality and creative spirit are infectious and working with them is a constant reminder that exploration is necessary for growth in art."
Tiffany Graham