Students from various grades worked on Thanksgiving Projects as we prepared for the upcoming holiday. Kindergarten did a draw-along activity where they all drew their own turkey with bright and colorful tail feathers. Third grade made a list of 10 things they are grateful for and wrote an adjective for how each one makes them feel. Then they created a feather with lines and patterns and used that as a background for their favorite adjective from their list. Fourth grade used line and pattern to create turkey feathers on a colorful bird. Fifth grade created their own city skyline with giant floats just like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Sixth grade also listed things they are grateful for and created three different feathers using lines and patterns with the oil pastels. The put one adjective on each of their three feathers. Seventh grade created cornucopias using our newly donated chalk pastels. Finally, eighth grade worked together step by step to create their own realistic drawing of a turkey. They used watercolor glazing techniques or colored pencils to color their beautiful birds. (Please note, projects will be added to the slideshow as they are completed. If you don't see your student's work yet, check back.)
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Thanksgiving and Gratitude
Nov 19, 2021 · slideshow (130 art)