Veteran's Day Art

Slideshow from Trinity Lutheran School (posted on November 12, 2023)
The 1st/2nd graders learned about how to create a landscape: Horizon line, Foreground, Middle ground and Background...things that are near are brighter in color & large and things far away are small and not as bright when they created their Poppy fields. The 3rd graders learned about basic weaving skills while creating beautiful poppies. The 4th, 5th & 6th graders worked on creating Agamagraphs-an agamograph is an art form that uses optical illusion to create that changes when you look at it from different angles.This style of art was named after an Israeli artist named Yaacov Agam.  And the 7th8th/ graders worked on creating beautiful backdrops on our 5' x 8' rolling boards for the annual Veterans Day program, coming up with the design idea through execution...SOOOOO proud of them all!!
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