Kade2313's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Kade2313's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Kade, I should have looked up what an Axolotl was before I commented on Emery's art. So now I know an Axolotl is a type of salamander, not a guppy. So you guys have taught me something today. I read that some people keep Axolotls for pets! What made you decide to make his body purple and his gills red? It's quite a striking combination. I noticed you and Emery both put hearts above it, such a sweet touch! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on June 12, 2024 NEW
Hi Kade, I'm excited to see another great art piece from you, it's been a while! Your blueberry is really just stunning! It combines so many elements to create that stunning quality, from its big prominent eyes, darling red lips, a bit of hair atop its head, it's slightly unripe coloring and the stem still attached to it as if it was just now picked from the blueberry bush. You always add so many details to make your art very enjoyable to view. It just keeps getting better and better. I hope you continue to always make time for art in your busy life! Love you Kade, Grammy
- Grammy on June 7, 2024 NEW
Hi sweet Kade, I love your art so much! "Tulips" is beautiful. You made the tulip heads some of your favorite colors. And they look so nice with the vase color. All your colors are so vibrant. You gave your center tulip a lot of interest by curving the stem. It reminds me of the tulips you guys brought here on Easter where the stems had become curved. I sent your mom a picture of them the day after that and they had perked up straight after drinking lots of water. I hope you enjoy drawing as much as I enjoy you sharing it with me :) Love you Bud, Grammy
- Grammy on April 25, 2024
Hi Kade, So this is Gravy the Turtle!! I am trying to figure out what your thought process was when you named him Gravy. Let's see, it could be the color of his shell looks like the color of gravy. Or he is swimming in blue gravy, not the beautiful blue ocean. Or maybe it's because he swims slow and walks slow too kind of like gravy being thick so it pours slowly. I would really love to know what your real reason was for the name so I didn't have to guess. I will try to remember to ask you next time I see you :). Anyway, regardless of his name, he is very beautiful. You are a very good drawer of turtles. Thanks for sharing with me. Love, Grammy
- Grammy on April 17, 2024
Hi Kade, Did you select the name "cheese tulip" because half of the petals are the color of cheese? Some tulips do have two colors, don't they, like the ones you brought me on Easter! I enjoy solid color or two-toned. I also really like the grass you drew. It looks so uniform like it was just mowed, nice and neat and very healthy green!! Looks like you got some light clouds in the sky but they didn't prevent the sun from showing off its bright face. Reminds me that spring is here and I'm happy about that. Love, Grammy
- Grammy on April 3, 2024
Hi Kade, Wow this rainbow lion is just that and more. His colors make him so striking to look at. I just want to keep looking at him and all the details in his face and mane. I know how you love dark blue so your choice to make his face that color is really creative and beautiful. Then when you put that together with all the other bold colors in the lion's mane, which accentuate his face, it just makes you feel excited to look at him. You are sure good at a lot of things Kade. Keep finding what you are passionate about and what brings you joy! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on February 28, 2024
Hi Kade, If I had seen your bird drawing before I saw your lion yesterday, I would have known for sure which lion drawing was yours. You know why? Of course you do! Cause dark blue is your favorite color. I am very curious why this bird has such a large head, there must be a good reason, but I don't know what it is. Maybe you could share that with me. I wonder if he is happy he found the bird feeder so he can eat. He looks pretty hungry, and the feeder is only half full so he may have to search for more food. The grass looks pretty green and hardy so maybe he will find a worm or two in there soon. I love Bird and you, Grammy
- Grammy on February 26, 2024
Hi Kade, I'm sitting here enjoying looking at your palm trees breeze art and it's making me feel like I want to go to Hawaii again to feel the warm breeze come in off the ocean, the sand in between my toes, and the sun shining creating a beautiful sunset. I hope one day you will get to take a trip to Hawaii to enjoy it in person! Your drawing has captured all that with the colors and the bright sun and the birds (usually seagulls) flying above. And I noticed the sun is reflecting in the sky against all the colors it's creating and because the trees are black, it must mean it is getting dark as the sun goes down. Thank you for sharing with me! Love you, Grammy
- Grammy on February 23, 2024
Hi Kade, Yes you have created yet another beautiful drawing of mushrooms first fall!! Your attention to detail always stands out, and this drawing is no exception. Your freehand shapes are so perfectly symetrical; that is quite impressive. Now if we could get you to eat those beautiful mushrooms, your Grampy would be so happy for you and me too! Love you Kade, Grammy
- Grammy on February 21, 2024
Hi Kade, I'm so happy to see new art from you today! Everything about this bowl of noodles makes me happy, from the BIG smile and bright eyes on the bowl to the lovely silverware and hearts in the noodles which are made with tender loving care. I would love to sit right down and share a bowl of noodles with you any time! Happy Valentines Day today and happy daddy returns from his trip day today! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on February 19, 2024
Kade, this art is so unique, I just love it! Your color choices make it feel so sweet, sweet with your taste buds and sweet as a caterpillar could be. It looks so much like a stack of ice cream cones; I just want to eat it but yet you would never eat a caterpillar because you would want to see it turn into a fluffy butterfly. I always enjoy seeing your artwork and I am glad mom takes you to do these wonderful pictures. Love you!! Grammy
- Grammy on January 24, 2024
Wow Kade, your Christmas picture is beautiful. I absolutely love it. The way you shaped the tree and added so many colorful gifts under the tree is so pretty. I know you would love that many presents from Santa, right!! This art is worth printing and framing and hanging up at Christmas time every year!! Love it and love you, see you soon. Grammy
- Grammy on December 20, 2023
Hi Kade, You make me so happy when I see your artwork and that you used the bee stickers I gave you and Emery. I absolutely love your picture with the sun AND the rainbow together and the bees flying high around the flowers. Who are the people? Is that you and Emery? I love that the people are holding hands too and smiling so big!! You are a very good artist :)
- Grammy on August 9, 2023
Kade, I absolutely adore your ladybug art!! They are the cutest bugs ever. I hope you keep doing more art like this because I bet it is fun for you and because I love seeing it so much! Love Grammy
- Grammy on June 7, 2023