Meet the Teachers  at Museum Charter #81 (San Diego, California)

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Jaleh Raissi
“And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by an ethereal journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our own feet, and learn to be at home.” - Wendell Berry
Andrew Rae
No biography available for this teacher.
Branan Freeman
No biography available for this teacher.
Gingerlily Lowe
Gingerlily Lowe (teacher at the Museum School) earned her B.A. in psychology with a minor in drama from UCSD. She holds a K-12 multiple subject teaching credential and a Masters in Teaching and Learning (Curriculum Design) from UCSD's distinguished Teacher Education Program (TEP). Gingerlily loves teaching at the Museum School where she has the opportunity to design and implement her own curriculum. Along with the regular school subject, Gingerlily teaches a writing workshop, and various department class ... read more