Thayer Elementary School

Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri
School Activity
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59,107 artworks
- 1,656 this year
- 204 this year
5,372 statements
- 33 this year
3,292 fans
- 320 this year
254 student awards this year
448,300 visitors
Comments (202)
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I don't know how I missed this piece of art from you but now that I finally am seeing it I think it is AMAZING Alora. You are really doing a great job with your art. Keep it up, you may be an artist one day. Love you bunches. Love always, Grammy
comment for Alora614
Our young artists LOVE to get compliments on their work -- please leave a comment for an artist you know! Then become a member of their FAN CLUB, that way you will get updates as soon as they have new artwork published! Parents, make sure you WRITE AND APPROVE comments so they can show up on the website. Please add your family and friends to the artists fan clubs.

Thank you to everyone who has purchased keepsakes of artworks from this site. 20% of the proceeds from your purchase goes directly back into the art room here at Thayer Elementary. Thayer families are the best!
Jamie Erlewine