Stewart Alternative Elementary School

Columbus, Ohio
School Activity
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6,493 artworks
- 0 this year
- 0 this year
27 statements
- 0 this year
437 fans
- 0 this year
0 student awards this year
33,578 visitors
School Awards (2)
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5,000 art
May 18, 2012
1,000 art
Mar 16, 2010
The next award will be earned after publishing 10,000 artworks!
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Welcome to Stewart Elementary's visual arts gallery on Artsonia. Thank you for visiting. Your support of my art program means a great deal to me. I hope you enjoy the wonderful artworks you see here. Please leave comments for the students and share their portfolio page with friends and family so that they know how much you appreciate their efforts. It also helps with our school ranking! If you choose to purchase keepsakes from the gift shop the money generated through Artsonia will help purchase art supplies for the school. I take it as a great compliment that you love your artist’s work enough to do this and thank you again for your support. Mrs. Simonis
Anita Simonis