Sharon Elementary School

Wadworth, Ohio
School Activity
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66,722 artworks
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- 1 this year
2,216 statements
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2,781 fans
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0 student awards this year
185,516 visitors
Comments (1)
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Love the flowers, Jack! You did a good job. Love you.
comment for Jack39814
Welcome to our visual arts gallery on Artsonia. I am so pleased to be able to present the imaginative artworks of my students!
I encourage all students, as well as, family members to become active participants on this site. You can do this by joining Fan clubs and by sending positive comments to the artists.
Thank you for visiting Sharon Elementary Schools' Art Gallery and for supporting the arts.
The money generated through Artsonia, 20% of your purchase, will help buy art supplies for the school.
Enjoy the children's artworks, they do great things!

Karen Gillihan
Art Teacher
Karen Gillihan