Millville Elementary School

Millville, California
School Activity
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31,847 artworks
- 384 this year
- 1 this year
13 statements
- 0 this year
1,083 fans
- 34 this year
60 student awards this year
100,543 visitors
School Awards (4)
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25,000 art
May 5, 2019
10,000 art
Mar 29, 2010
5,000 art
Oct 2, 2008
1,000 art
Nov 8, 2006
The next award will be earned after publishing 50,000 artworks!
Comments (1)
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I love the critter howling at the moon. Is that Marty?
comment for Quinnlyn16
Welcome to our visual arts gallery on Artsonia. Thank you for visiting and supporting the arts.
Annette Gaddy