Oldmans Township School

Pedricktown, New Jersey
School Activity
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9,134 artworks
- 0 this year
- 0 this year
323 statements
- 0 this year
562 fans
- 0 this year
0 student awards this year
22,180 visitors
School Awards (2)
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5,000 art
Mar 6, 2019
1,000 art
Feb 27, 2014
The next award will be earned after publishing 10,000 artworks! This award is almost earned!
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Welcome to our visual arts gallery on Artsonia. Artwork for every grade level will be continually added so check back and see the various projects that are completed. If you need a gift for a friend or family member, or would like notecards on hand, Artsonia has items you can purchase with your child's artwork printed on it. The money generated will help purchase art supplies for the school.

Thank you for visiting and supporting the arts!
Eric Widing