North Elementary School

Villa Park, Illinois
School Activity
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57,118 artworks
- 1,575 this year
- 279 this year
8,088 statements
- 324 this year
3,003 fans
- 684 this year
357 student awards this year
208,732 visitors
Comments (272)
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Todos sus dibujos los ase con muchos corazones es un niño con mucho amor
comment for Jonathan32165
Welcome to our visual arts gallery on Artsonia, we are so glad you are checking out our artworks! Please take a moment to leave a comment for your favorite artists, and to encourage friends and family to join fan clubs. The money generated through Artsonia will help purchase art supplies for the school. Thanks for your support!

You can follow me on Instagram @MrsAllanArt to see our students in action.
Laura Allan