Fredon Township School

Newton, New Jersey
School Activity
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27,817 artworks
- 26 this year
- 0 this year
444 statements
- 0 this year
950 fans
- 0 this year
0 student awards this year
239,346 visitors
School Awards (4)
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25,000 art
Mar 1, 2019
10,000 art
Oct 2, 2012
5,000 art
Feb 3, 2011
1,000 art
Dec 8, 2009
The next award will be earned after publishing 50,000 artworks!
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Welcome to Fredon Township School's visual arts gallery on Artsonia. Fredon students are exceptional artists and work very hard in the Art Room. Check back often as artwork will be updated throughout the school year. Parents, please register your child, leave comments and join fan clubs. Need your security code? Feel free to e-mail The money generated through Artsonia will help purchase art supplies for the school. Thanks for visiting!
Andrina Wizner