Holy Cross School

Dover, Delaware
School Activity
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49,183 artworks
- 0 this year
- 0 this year
15,988 statements
- 0 this year
3,030 fans
- 0 this year
0 student awards this year
215,639 visitors
School Awards (4)
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25,000 art
Nov 13, 2015
10,000 art
Apr 15, 2011
5,000 art
Feb 3, 2010
1,000 art
Nov 11, 2008
The next award will be earned after publishing 50,000 artworks! This award is almost earned!
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Please enjoy your visit to our online museum of phenomenal student artwork! Please be sure to visit often, encourage family and friends to join your child's fan club, leave comments, and purchase artwork gifts from the Gift Shop (20% of the profit is earned for the art department). Our young artists can be inducted into the Artsonia Hall of Fame by having three or more artwork published, three or more comments (Rave Reviews) posted, and three or more friends or family join their fan club! Thank you!!

Mrs. Sharon Benini
Visual Arts Educator
Holy Cross School
Dover, Delaware
Sharon Benini