Ocean Bay Elementary

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
School Activity
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101,080 artworks
- 5,941 this year
- 469 this year
5,732 statements
- 545 this year
5,614 fans
- 1,186 this year
921 student awards this year
293,347 visitors
Comments (468)
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How sweet
comment for Audrey17064
We appreciate all of your artist statements boys and girls! Thank you for your hard work! Our goal is to have everyone in every class registered on Artsonia!!! Let's see which class will have full participation with parents being registered! Thank you for your support! Welcome to our visual arts gallery on Artsonia.  Thank you for visiting and supporting the arts.  The money generated through Artsonia will help purchase art supplies for the school.
Shirley McMillen