St Ann Catholic School

Decatur, Alabama
School Activity
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3,572 artworks
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5 statements
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201 fans
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0 student awards this year
11,160 visitors
School Awards (1)
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1,000 art
Mar 20, 2013
The next award will be earned after publishing 5,000 artworks!
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Welcome to our visual arts gallery on Artsonia! In years past, art has been something YOU learned about at the end of the year when we sent your child's portfolio home. This year, we are going to upload as we go! The reason we hold onto the original artwork is so that we have it available for exhibits, contests, and product ordering... However, with Artsonia, you can order product whenever you want it, with whatever artwork you choose (in the past, we had to pick what we thought you would like and send it home...) and we have the original here for shows. Please know that the transition to this style is so that you can see the artwork as we go. If you choose to order something, that is great, but that is not our primary motivation. In fact, there is no cost at all to using Artsonia, so don't ever feel like you have to get something! We hope you enjoy! Stephanie, Linda, Jennifer & Maricela
Jennifer D