Alan Shepard Elementary School

Long Grove, Iowa
School Activity
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51,260 artworks
- 4,210 this year
- 504 this year
1,020 statements
- 38 this year
1,988 fans
- 723 this year
443 student awards this year
187,638 visitors
Comments (504)
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Very cool. A lot of specific details and wonderful color. Feels like I am there!
comment for Karter1133
Welcome to our Alan Shepard visual arts gallery on Artsonia. Thank you so much for visiting and supporting the visual arts. Please make sure to leave and approve comments for your students. They love this and often tell me about during class. I use Artsonia for families to connect with the student through art on their digital portfolio. Please don't feel the need to purchase anything, but if you do the money goes right back into the art room at Alan Shepard. Thank you for your continuous support.
Sarah Graham