Westfield Elementary School

Westfield, Wisconsin
School Activity
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25,019 artworks
- 0 this year
- 0 this year
742 statements
- 0 this year
558 fans
- 0 this year
0 student awards this year
34,077 visitors
School Awards (4)
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25,000 art
Jun 18, 2024
10,000 art
Apr 1, 2022
5,000 art
Apr 26, 2021
1,000 art
Oct 17, 2020
The next award will be earned after publishing 50,000 artworks!
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Welcome to our virtual art gallery on Artsonia! Throughout the year students will take and post photos of their artwork to this site to create a digital portfolio of their artwork. Hopefully, this will be a fun and easy way to share student artwork with friends and family!

Thank you for visiting!
Haley Parsneau