from Mrs. Fuglestad, Dryden's Art Teacher
Thanks so much for taking a minute (maybe longer- I have so much to share this time) to see all the fun and exciting things going on in Dryden's Art Program!
SNL skit about American Gothic Painting (I edited this version for young viewers)
Simon's Cat and his Sister's Dog (great animations with FREE companion app)
Strawberry Teeth and the Pepper Smiles (see what the kindergartners made on iPads)
Artsonia Just Keeps Getting Better! (now you can upload any photo and purchase art via Artsonia. Just make sure you designate DRYDEN to receive the fundrasing money at no extra charge to you. Use the promo code: HOLIDAYFUNDS12 to get a free magnet w/ $25 purchase)
Using Doink and Green Screen in iMovie (learn some fun ways to combine the magic of animation on the iPad with the magic of green screen. I did this post as I played with ideas for an upcoming animation project with 5th graders)
iPad Workshop with Ladies from Michigan (I had the honor of sharing the ipad projects that we do at Dryden with art teachers from the Detroit Country Day School. They flew out for an all-day workshop over the Thanksgiving break. See what we did in this post.)
Montreal Sends Notes and Gifts (A big care package came for the 4th grade students who skyped with pre-service art teachers in Canada. We were so excited to receive their notes, handmade bookmarks, and swag from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Custom Photo Booth FX Tutorial (I wanted to prepare a fun custom photo booth FX for our students and documented the process to so others can try it too. Take a look.)
Help JohnMichael win Artist of the Week with a Quick Click of Kindness (UPDATE= he won! Thank you for all the votes and good wishes from the Dryden Community! In the 4 short days available for voting, John Michael's artwork received over 2300 votes!)
Describing what we do in 2 mins or less (Please take two minutes to see this little video. I made it as an application for a professional development opportunity, but it is also a great little glimpse at the things we do here in Dryden's art room.)
Dryden Artists in iPhone Life Magazine Check the news stands this coming week!!!! The fourth grader's DOINK alien animation project from last year was included in the newest issue of iPhone LIfe Magazine as an App Success Story! Find the Jan-Feb Issue at Best Buy and Barnes and Noble too. This is HUGE news! Congratulations:)
Art from our Hearts 1st graders are doing a service project to raise money for Super Storm Sandy victims by making art and selling it. If you are willing to take some to sell perhaps at work or at a public venue, please contact me
Interactive Boards, Games, and iPevo (see some cool tools for instruction in the art room)
Studying George with Art and Tech (see how 2nd graders will be learning to paint George Washington).