September 11, 2012

News from your child's school art room
September 11, 2012
Art Room News @ Jarrettown (December Edition)
from Miss Raysinger
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.  Art is knowing which ones to keep." 

The winter provides great inspiration for our artists at Jarrettown, as we have been hard at work on snommen, presents, snowglobes, and much more!

During this holiday season, Jarrettown is spreading cheer and warm wishes in our community by collecting holiday cards for the residents of Dresher Estates. Please encourage your child to participate by making card! Make sure to add a happy message inside and sign your name! There is a collection box for completed cards in the artroom.

** Has your child ever attended a private art class?  Please let me know what you thought!
I am frequently asked to recommend art classes in our area so your feedback really helps. Did your child enjoy themselves? Were the projects age appropriate? Did they have any kind of art show or special display?  Would your recommend it to another parent?

**Artsonia Tip of the Month**  

Artsonia stores all of the projects your student creates in their "ePortfolio" creating a record of their growth as an artist.  You can even add artwork yourself from home with just a few simples steps:

    1. In a bright spot, take a digital photograph of the artwork.
    2. Sign into your Artsonia Parent account.
    3. Click the tab labeled "Upload Artwork"
    4. Artsonia will walk you through the upload and editing process. 
    5. About 24 hours later, your child's work will be published in their portfolio!

Artsonia never deletes its published artworks so your child's work is preserved forever.

** Jarrettown first started participating with Artsonia in 2006. You are still able to access the accounts and order merchandise for any student who has attended our school since then. For screen names and passwords for your middle or high schooler, just send me a quick email!
  You Yo

Just for Grade 5

Our fifth graders have been busy!

First, congratulations to everyone who entered the recent Yearbook Drawing Contest! We received over 30 beautiful drawings illustrating this year's theme "No Place For Hate." Mrs. Place and all of the teachers were so impressed by your work! We will be turning all the drawings into posters to decorate our school and spread our message of peace and kindness.

Fifth Grade Art Club
The Art Club is an afterschool program for fifth graders interested in learning more about art. The Art Club meets Wednesday afternoon from 3:30-5:00, beginning in January. Art Club Application packets were handed out last week and are due Friday, December 16.

We just finished learnig about
OpArt, which uses different kinds of optical illusions to play with our minds and eyes. Check out our gallery of work and explore some cool illusions at this fun site:

93  Visual Phenomena and Optical Illusions

Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!