April 17, 2020

News from your child's school art room
April 17, 2020
Stay Home Save Lives ART
from Mrs. Goldberg
Hello Riverdale Families,

During this difficult time, lets use our creativity to do something to help! 

In an effort to bring community awareness to our ongoing effort to stay at home and keep ourselves and our entire community safe;  let's make art, raise money and remind each other to stay home. 

As a family, please decorate either your FRONT DOOR or FRONT WINDOW with art that shares the message of STAY HOME and SAVE LIVES (#SHSL or #SHSLmovement).  Anyone in your home is welcome to work on this group project (even Sparky!). Once decorated, please take a photo and upload your art to Artsonia folder, SHSL.

Every year, Riverdale school receives funds from purchases made by families of student art on Artsonia. These funds are used to purchase additional art supplies for the school. To support our nurses, funds received from this SHSL project, we will be donated to The American Nurses Foundation, the philanthropic entity of the American Nurses Association for Coronavirus Response Fund. 

This is a great opportunity to do something positive and help. Your art can be an amazing tool to educate, inspire, and promote change. Lets do this together and help make a change for the better!

Stay safe, healthy and strong.

Mrs. Goldberg  

Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!