from Mrs. Tricia Fuglestad
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about the wonderful things we are exploring in Dryden's Art Room.
We are currently having a TECH DRIVE for the art room. 20% of all purchases made via Artsonia go back to our program. We are in need of two iPads to reach our goal of 2:1 ratio in the art room!
iPads + Web App=By George that's fun (2nd grader's George Washington Dollar Bills)
Congratulations to 3 Dryden Artists (since this post, I've learned that THREE other artists will have artwork on permanent exhibit at the new St. Alexius Hospital. New post to come:)
Creating on iPads Workshop, Indiana
Art Tech Drive (We will soon have 10 iPads for student use in the art room. TWO more means two children per ipad. That would make a HUGE difference for art production, research, literacy and art connections, and so much more. View my Creating on iPads page to see my ideas for ipads in the art room)
New Reason to Celebrate,We're Finalists (Our Heart House project is a finalist in a national Service Project video contest)
Sharing, learning, and connecting at ICE
American Gothic Spoof (4th graders are finishing up these amazing paintings)
Cultural Arts Fair this Friday, March 8th There will be two banners of art on display, the program cover will feature the contest winners from the district, and our Fugleflick filmmakers will debut their new movie, Different is Good as well as our all-school Common Core Crazy video. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend, so please send me photos of our Dryden Artists and wish me well as I travel to Texas to receive my award.