Grade 4 LMC Unsung heroes and self portraits

Slideshow from Mount Vernon Elementary School (posted on May 23, 2024)
Students in grade 4 learned about the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes and the ARTEFFECT program. Unsung Heroes are people who went unrecognized during their own lifetimes. They are people who demonstrated extraordinary courage and compassion while making enormous impacts on the course of history. Students chose a hero that they identified with in some way whether they were inspired by the work of the hero, the background of the hero or the hero was similar to them in some way. Once they drew their hero, they created a self portrait. These images will be displayed at the art show in April 2024 with a writing piece that they completed in English class.
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Grade 4 LMC Unsung heroes and self portraits
May 23, 2024 · slideshow (43 art)