Sarah2010's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Sarah2010's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Sarah hows it going?I think the colors in the background are cool! I joined Nick H.'s fan club and I like the one when he drew a picture of himself.I think your artwork is so cool and much better than mine!Well I have to go well bye. P.S. please write me back
- on November 3, 2008
Thanks Sarah you are a good artist yourself.Did you know that 15 people have seen this picture?If you don't know how to see how many people have looked at it go to your homepage and look at the top.Cool right?Oh and a different number of people have looked at each artwork.Well I have to go bye Sarah. From Arianna
- on November 3, 2008
Thanks Sarah for joining my fan club.I think yours is up in the hallway at school...but I don't know well got to go.
- on November 3, 2008
Sarah that really does look like you and that's really really good.I like the green on your shirt and the blue in the background.Keep up the good work Sarah! Love, your friend Arianna
- on November 3, 2008
Just love your choices of colors in this one. Keep expanding your imagination and dream of even bigger things. God has obviously blessed you to help you appreciate art and colors. Glad I know you and look forward to even bigger & better future work. Love ~ 'Grandpa' Gray
- on December 4, 2007
This picture looks just like you, GREAT JOB. mom
- on December 4, 2007