Cara1750's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Cara1750's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cara I love your colorful city! So glad I got to see it at Roberts!
- Jen (Mother) on April 26, 2022
Cara, I love your colorful tall buildings and the big blue balloon animal. Your drawing reminds me of the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City. Granny
- Anne Marie on March 23, 2022
I love your poster Cara!
- Jen (Mother) on December 21, 2021
Hi Cara, I'm so glad we got to see the Paterson Falls, a National Park, when you visited a couple of weeks ago. Love you, Granny
- Anne Marie on January 12, 2022
I love your cat Cara. It's certainly more colorful than Blackie or Stripes. Granny
- Anne Marie on June 30, 2021
Well Cara, this cat doesn’t look anything like Stripes or Blackie, but it’s pretty colorful. I wonder if they would all get along. Love, Granny
- Anne Marie on June 30, 2021
I love your cat Cara! I wonder if Pixie & Muggles would be friends with this cat.
- Jen (Mother) on June 22, 2021
Wow what a great picture! I love the colors and the trees!
- Jen (Mother) on June 16, 2021
Cara, you'd make the cutest Lego that there is but I'm glad you're not a lego because you're a real girl and can play with and show me all your legos!!! Love, Granny
- Anne Marie on June 16, 2021
Cara, you'd make the cutest Lego that there is but I'm glad you're not a lego because you're a real girl and can play with and show me all your legos!!!
- Anne Marie on June 16, 2021
I love this picture CMP!
- Jen (Mother) on June 1, 2021
I love the picture of the colorful dolls that you created, Cara. I have a matryoshka doll that Bunky brought me from Russia. We'll have to find it next time you visit. Love, Granny
- AnneMarie on April 7, 2021
I love your furry bear and that great sweater, Cara. You picked very nice colors for it. You should send a picture of it to Maggie because she loves to knit patterned sweaters like it. Love, Granny
- Anne Marie on March 3, 2021
Nice colors Cara. I love the green, orange and purple that you made when the colors are combined. Good job.
- Anne Marie on December 20, 2020
I love the shade of green that was used in this picture Cara. Everything is so perfectly opposite. Nice work. Love, Granny
- Anne Marie on November 25, 2020
Love your juicy pear! Can I take a bite?
- Jen (Mother) on November 24, 2020
What lovely sunflowers, Cara! Good work.
- Jen (Mother) on November 10, 2020
Papa and I love your very colorful tree. I'd like to visit the area where it "grew"to see all the other pretty trees too!
- Granny on November 4, 2020
I love this picture of trees and the night. I especially like the colors!
- Jen (Mother) on January 30, 2020
Papa and I love your beautiful fish. It has all my favorite colors in it and looks pretty happy . Did you think of a name for it? Love, Granny
-- Anne Marie
- on June 19, 2019
What a beautiful picture of cherry blossoms! I feel like I am outside surrounded by these beautiful fliwers!
-- Jen
- on May 8, 2019
What a colorful, happy cat. Nice job!
-- Jen
- on April 8, 2019
This is the prettiest pumpkin I have ever seen. I can’t believe you did that all by yourself. You make me very happy. I live you, Cara! Daddy
-- Jon
- on February 23, 2019
Papa and I love all the colors you used in your "Confetti Hearts" art work, Cara.
-- Granny
- on February 23, 2019
This is your best picture ever! Way to go! You make us very proud and we love you. Keep up the great work. Love, Daddy
-- Jon
- on February 23, 2019
I love it! Great job, Cara. I am so proud of you and how well you are doing. Keep up the hard work and have fun! You make us very proud and we love you very much!
-- Jon
- on February 23, 2019