Maggie568's Comments (45)

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Below are comments about Maggie568's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Magpie! Love uncle Mark
- on May 12, 2010
Great artwork Mags!!!!!!! :) Love uncle Mark
- on May 12, 2010
Hi Mags - I absolutely love this one! Colorado Springs was definitely one of my favorite vacations as well. It was beautiful and you demonstrated that so well in this piece. Nice job Baby. I love you. Momma
- on September 27, 2009
Mags, your the best. It was great to see you, Shane and Caitie on Sunday. Love uncle Mark
- on September 24, 2009
Way to go Mags keep it up! -love lara
- on September 24, 2009
Magpie, beautifully done Neicey!!! I miss my little niece, maybe I can come visit soon or go to one of your game's or one of Shane-boys.
- on September 24, 2009
Great job Mags!! Love uncle Mark.
- on February 9, 2009
Maggie: Over the last year or so I have seen you artwork being posted on Artsonia, I am shocked at how talented you are. The detail is this most recent drawing is really quite impressive, your abilities are becoming more refined, leading to some beautiful art. The sky is the limit love!
- on February 9, 2009
Margaret Rose: I got an email saying you had new artwork so I took a look. These are beautiful sweetie, I can't believe how well you draw. Congratulations and it is also very important for you that Obama is now president, he will help this country out very much. I love you and can't wait to see you again. I know your Daddy is away for a week, maybe I'll come over and try to visit you and the twins. Love, Uncle John.
- on November 7, 2008
This is so cool Maggie. Great job! Love, Mom
- on November 7, 2008
Maggs, I haven't seen any of your artwork in a while, I really think it's getting better, which is crazy because it was already so good! I love how the sun is in the corner, shining brightly on the world :)
- on October 23, 2008
Mags, your the best!! Love uncle Mark
- on October 23, 2008
Hi Maggie - I love all your new artwork. The stained glass and the big bug are really cool!! Dad
- on January 25, 2008
Great job Magpie!! You are awesome!!
- on October 15, 2007
Maggs I love your drawing its very beautiful, keep it up!
- on October 12, 2007
Maggie - LOVE THIS ONE!! Beautiful colors. Can't wait to see more! Love you! Mommy
- on October 10, 2007
Maggie, my beautiful cousin, another great piece of artwork! Keep up the good work!!!! I love you. Brittany
- on April 15, 2007
Hello Maggie!! I love you latest artwork, you are very talented. I really enjoyed seeing you, Shane-boy and Caitlin and everyone else and Nanny Hubbard's house on Easter. Ok Maggie, I will see you soon and keep up the great work!!
- on April 13, 2007
Maggie - I love this bug picture. You must have been thinking spring!!! I love you to pieces my little artist! Love, Mommy
- on April 13, 2007
Maggie! This drawing is amazing! It's very colorful and I really like the border around the edge as well. How long did this take you Megs? It looks really good, what made you decide to draw bugs? Talk to you soon, love you. Say hi to your brother and sister for me please Megpie.
- on April 12, 2007
Maggie, I think this is the best one yet! -Aunt Mary
- on April 12, 2007
Mags, This artwork is amazing. I'm really proud of you and want to know every time you create a new piece. Keep working hard and always use your imagination. Love, Cousin Lara
- on April 12, 2007
Great job Magpie! Uncle Mark is proud of you.
- on April 12, 2007
MAGGS, you keep drawing don't you! Another really pretty picture. You know what would be a great returning home present from you..... something like this. I already have pictures from your brother and sister on my wall here at school, but no Meggs, I think we need to change that. I love you meg pie, can't wait until I get to see your cute face again. (AMAZING PICTURE!!!) - Cousin Jarrad
- on January 25, 2007
Hi Maggie - This might be your best one yet! Thank you for sharing it with me. I showed it to Owen and Jordan.
- on January 25, 2007
Maggie! you are amazing sweety. Your artwork keeps on gettting better and better. you know, a picture might be a pretty good christmas present..... I love you meggs, I get to see you soon. Keep doing well in school. ps - say high to shane and caite for me. love you bye
- on January 25, 2007
Maggie I think this is my favorite piece so far! You're very talented, keep up the good work!!! Love you, Britt
- on January 25, 2007
Maggie, you're doing such great artwork in school! Uncle Pat and I think they're all wonderful!
- on January 25, 2007
Hi Maggie - This is just beautifiul. Who taught you to be such a great artist? Thank you for sharing this with me.
- on November 25, 2006
Thanks for letting me view your art work Maggie. It is beautiful. Uncle Mark
- on November 25, 2006
Fantastic Maggie!!! You have your parents gift for art! Rowley Realty.
- on November 25, 2006
Hi Maggie, your latest art work is beautiful. You are so talented. I look forward to seeing you and everyone else on Thanksgiving Day. Uncle Mark
- on November 19, 2006
Maggie, It was nice to see yet another beautiful piece of your artwork - maybe you will be famous someday! Auntie Marcie
- on November 17, 2006
Maggie. More great artwork! when did you make this one? its so pretty, I see a future here. I come home in 6 days for Turkey Day!!! I can't wait to see you, Caitie, and Shane!
- on November 17, 2006
Wow Maggie this is AWESOME! You are so talented! I miss you sweetie and can't wait to see you and more of your artwork! Love Cloie!
- on October 24, 2006
Meggs. this is awesome! i knew you were artistic, but to have your art on the internet is pretty cool! i miss you a lot megpie, but i'm coming home in one month. I will see you then. love you.
- on October 23, 2006
That's my girl!!
- on October 21, 2006
Maggie I am so proud of you!!!! This is really beautiful, you are an amazing artist. Can't wait to see your face when I come home for Thanksgiving! I love you xoxooxx Britt
- on October 21, 2006
Maggie, this is beautiful, I can't wait to see more! Love Aunt Mary
- on October 20, 2006
Hello Maggie, your tree is beautiful. Very are very talented. I have joined your fan club so that I can get emails with your latest projects. We are all very proud of you. See you soon. Uncle Mark
- on October 20, 2006
Maggie - This tree is just gorgeous. I didn't know you had so much talent. Maybe you can show OJ some of your stuff. I know they would love that.
- on October 20, 2006
Maggie dear, your tree is beautiful. Uncle John is not artistic at all, I can't believe what a great job you did! My niecey is not only smart(Math Queen) but talented too!
- on October 20, 2006
Maggie- Your tree is just beautiful! Congratulations on being on the website! Love, Auntie Marcia
- on October 20, 2006
I love your beautiful piece of Art. The lights and shadows of your tree show great promise for a growing artist like yourself. Hope to see more of your work real soon. Love Grandma
- on October 20, 2006
Maggie, this is absolutely beautiful! Way to go Mag! I love you.
- on October 19, 2006