Martha893's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Martha893's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love these mittens! They are so cute and look so cozy. You're so talented!
- LuLu on January 25, 2023
I love these leaves!! So cute, Martha!!
- LuLu on November 10, 2021
Martha, This reindeer is so awesome! Looks like Rudolph! Love, Mommy
-- Shauna
- on March 27, 2019
Martha, this piece of artwork is beautiful with all the colors. So talented. Love Mommy
-- Shauna
- on February 26, 2019
Martha, I really love the contrast of colors you used. So beautiful. Love Mommy
-- Shauna
- on February 26, 2019
Martha, your self portrait is just as beautiful as you are! You are so creative and I love you. Love Mommy
-- Shauna
- on February 26, 2019
This is so beautiful, Martha. You are so creative. Love, Mommy
-- Shauna
- on February 8, 2019