Ryan41277's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Ryan41277's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ryan, You are such creative artist! I love and look forward to each and every one of your pieces! Love, Gram York Xoxo
- Gram York on October 12, 2022
Great job on the color choices for this art burst Ryan! I Love it, and you!!! Gramma York :)
- Gramma York on June 9, 2022
Hi Ryan! You know how much Gramma Loves animals so this has to be one of my most favorite pieces of art that you have done so far! I can’t wait to get my print!!! Keep up the great work! We’re so very proud of you and all of your talents!
- Gramma York on March 23, 2022
Love this Ryan! Great use of shape & imagination!
- Gramma York on March 16, 2022
Great job Ryan! You are quite the artist! Love, Gramma & Grampa York
- Gramma York on March 16, 2022
Hi Ryan! Man you really have an eye for drawing! This is great! So proud of all of your work!!! Love, Gram & Grampa York
- Gram York on March 16, 2022
Hi Ryan, This one may be my favorite yet! I LOVE IT!!!
- Gramma York on November 10, 2021
Hi Ryan, This one may be my favorite yet! I LOVE IT!!!
- Gramma York on November 10, 2021
Hi Ryan, This one might be a favorite for Gram! I absolutely Love it!!!
- Gramma York on November 10, 2021
Hi Ryan, Looking good buddy! Keep up the great work. Love, Gramma York :)
- Gram on July 28, 2021
Nice job Ryan! You sure come up with some great ideas for your artwork! Love, Gramma York
- Melody on July 28, 2021
Wow, nothing spooky about this pumpkin picture! It’s just awesome and you are a great artist! Love you pal! Gramma York
- Gramma York on July 28, 2021
Snowmen in the spring?!!!! I Love it, but not as much as I Love you and your wonderful artwork! Love, Gramma York
- Melody on July 28, 2021
Hi Ryan, It’s always so fun to see what kind of artwork you’ll be sharing with Grampa & I. We Love you & we love Artsonia for providing this page for us to see all of your amazing drawings. Love, Gramma & Grampa York Xoxo...
- Gramma York on January 6, 2021
Wow! Another great piece of art Ryan! Wish I could buy all of them! Keep it up! Love ya!
- Gramma York on January 6, 2021
Dear Ryan, Grampa & I love the Practice Snowflakes! Today we are having the real snowflakes at our house. I like yours much better. Love, Gramma York ??
- Gramma York on January 6, 2021
Great picture Ryan! I’m glad to see that you are still keeping up the good work during The Covid pandemic.
- Gramma York on November 19, 2020
Hey Ryan, Great job on drawing a tank. Can’t wait to put it in my office. Grampa
- Mick on July 8, 2020
Excellent work Ryan! This is for sure one of my most favorites yet! Love, Gramma York ??
- Melody on May 29, 2020
Great job Ryan! I always wished I could draw faces. Maybe you could teach me sometime. Gram York
- Melody on April 1, 2020
Nice job buddy! Glad to see you’re keeping up on your drawing while you’re at home. Love Gramma York ??
- Melody on April 1, 2020
Hi Ryan, This is amazing! You did a wonderful job! Love Gramma & Grampa York xoxo
- Melody on March 30, 2020
Hi Ryan, I cannot tell you enough how much Grampa and I have enjoyed seeing your art work, and being able to exhibit it in our home is such a wonderful bonus. Our friends love it! Keep up the great work! We’re so proud of you! Love, Gramma York Xoxo...
- Melody on December 11, 2019
Hi Ryan, This is Absolutely amazing! You know how much we love the life in the ocean. Great job! Love Gramna & Grampa York
-- Gramma York
- on May 8, 2019
Dear Ryan, You did a wonderful job on this piece! I can’t wait to order something so that I can keep it forever! How did you get so talented??? Grampa and I are so incredibly proud of you! Keep it up! We’re sure you’re going places with your talents! We love you so much buddy & we’re so proud of you! Xoxo...
-- Gramma York
- on February 20, 2019
Ryan, Grampa and I just love your artwork! I can’t wait to see what there is to order! We are so proud of you and all of the work that you put into this. We love you so much!
-- Gramma York
- on December 19, 2018