Thanks so much for being such a great art student. I'm joining your fan club so I can see the art you make in the future. Ask your family to help you keep adding your creations to your digital portfolio:) Your biggest art fan, -- Mrs. F
- on July 28, 2012
It totally looks like you! Bye bye! Good for you! -- Tia
- on February 14, 2012
I love the tekcher -- Xavia
- on December 26, 2011
I really like your portrait. It looks really life-like. -- ayumi
- on December 26, 2011
Andrea, I'm so glad you enjoy reading. Reading is such an important part of learning. What book are you imagining that you are reading? Shelley -- Shelley
- on October 30, 2011
Wow Andrea! It looks like you are really in the painting! I was confused at first until I read about how you created it. I bet you had fun using the IPAD! Shelley -- Shelley
- on October 30, 2011
nice -- s
- on March 5, 2011
nice -- s
- on March 5, 2011
hey Andera, i think your artwork is so good! Nice job..... keep up the good work! -- Madalyn
- on March 5, 2011
i love what u got here!!!!!!it is almost as awsome as justin bieber!!!!! -- reagan
- on February 28, 2011
Great Andrea I think your art is AMAZING! -- your secret Admirer
- on February 28, 2011
its really cool that your get to put your artwork on a big screen in new york ! keep it up. -- meghan
- on February 28, 2011
Nice job ma'am!!!!! -- Some friend
- on February 28, 2011
Hey, Nice cook and good-look'n cake! Weronika -- Weronika
- on February 28, 2011
Andrea, WOW!!!! I'm so proud of you for being chosen for this project to have your artwork displayed in New York City!!! Barry and I have been there and I know the area your picture will be shown. It's so cool!! I always told you that you were a fantastic artist. Now, maybe you'll believe me. I hope you keep creating wonderful things. It will be exciting to go online in April to see your work on the billboard. Shelley -- Shelley
- on February 28, 2011
Andrea, Your mom showed me your dancers last week and I think they are wonderful!! My favorite is the flamenco dancer. You did a great job. I really hope you win the contest. Tell your teacher I said you are the best and you should win!!! Shelley -- Shelley
- on February 19, 2011
Andrea, I hope you have been doing well. I sorry I have not had an opportunity to view your art this year. I had a look at them all and they are amazing! You have a wonderful eye for art. Keep up the great work and say hi to your Mom and Dad for me. Cheers, Lisa -- Lisa
- on February 11, 2011
I love the turtle! Nice touch. -- Amy
- on February 9, 2011
This is an awesome drawing!!! You are really talented at drawing cartoon characters. You should try to write and illustrate a book for children some day! I love your drawings. Shelley -- Shelley
- on February 8, 2011
Sin leer el titulo yo sabia que esto era un jarron griego. Buen trabajo. Tambien me encanta tu dragon chino. Eres bien artistica y creativo. Estoy muy orgullosa de ti. Te amo, Mami -- Gina
- on February 1, 2011
Andrea, Great Greek vase. Your hero's name is very creative. I also think your little turtle is very cute. Great designs. You should keep creating since you have a wonderful imagination. Love, Shelley -- Shelley
- on February 3, 2011
Andrea, I've never seen a green dog before. Wonder how Max would look if he were green! Great job as always on your artwork. I love seeing them. Shelley -- Shelley
- on November 13, 2010
Andrea, I LOVE YOUR LEAVES!!! They are so realistic and beautiful. I love the detail and color that you gave them. I think this is one of my most favorite pictures you have made! Shelley -- Shelley
- on October 26, 2010
I love your water color leaf picture! -- Andrea
- on October 26, 2010
woah nice job i love this painting -- beth
- on June 9, 2010
this is awesome i think it is the best one u did this year -- beth
- on June 5, 2010
Dear Andrea: Your Matisse collage is really cool! We love it and we love you too! Grandma & Grandpa -- Ed & Rosemary
- on May 8, 2010
Great still life, Andrea! I continue to be amazed at your artistic talent. This still life really reminds me of Matisse. You have to have your parents take you to the art institute this summer so that you can see the paintings of all the artists you have been studying. Keep up the good work!! Shelley -- Shelley
- on May 6, 2010
Andrea, You created a great drawing of Dr. Seuss. It's hard to believe that you didn't just color a picture because it is done so well. You should take cartooning some day since you do so well with drawing! Shelley -- Shelley
- on March 18, 2010
Andrea: We think your leaf coloring is beautiful and it reminds us of the beginning of autumn when the leaves are just beginning to change color. Grandma & Grandpa
- on January 31, 2010
Andrea, Beautiful picture! I love the colors you chose. Did you draw those leaves by yourself? This would be a cool picture to hang up in your room! Thanks for sharing it with me. Love, Shelley
- on January 31, 2010
this is really cool i wish i could make this
- on January 31, 2010
Congratulations Andrea for entering the Hall of Fame 2009-10! You're awesome:) Mrs.F
- on December 25, 2009
I like the blue ! ~Zach
- on November 15, 2009
Wow! What a great drawing! The use of colour, angles and shades are wonderful. I like it! Love, Lisa
- on November 10, 2009
Andrea, I can't believe how aweome this drawing is!! You are very talented!! I could never draw like this. This is definitely a drawing you need to save and frame. I hope you continue drawing because you are a great artist! Love, Shelley
- on November 3, 2009
Me encantan tus obras de arte. Realmente tienes talento como artista. Mami
- on October 31, 2009
Cool rocket. I also really like your planets! Love, Shelley
- on October 28, 2009
Andrea: I like your drawing of a rocket heading out into space from the earth in the bottom corner. I wonder where it is going? Perhaps to Saturn to study its rings. The universe is very large, isn't it? Love, Grandpa
- on October 25, 2009
Andrea, I like your drawing about social justice. It reminds me of the Dr. Seuss book, The Sneetches, with the stars that you drew. Have you read that book? I think that you do a great job of drawing faces. I always had a difficult time doing that, but you do a great job. Thanks for sharing your picture! Shelley
- on October 25, 2009
...if I eat the squash then I can have ice cream...but I might be so sick from the squash that I can't eat the ice cream....
- on October 2, 2009
This is an awesome sketch! You are very talented and one of my favorite artists! Love, Shelley
- on October 2, 2009
I like the iMstrong theme -- much better than regular iPod thing. How did you do this? Love Lisa
- on May 30, 2009
Andrea: I am very impressed by your "iExpress" picture of a person displaying strength. Were you inspired by a particular person or were you trying to represent the general idea of people who are strong? In either case, it is an excellent portrayal of strength. Grandpa
- on May 30, 2009
It looks like the bottom branches are fighting the top branches for sunshine. Or maybe there are crabs hiding in the tree. And, if that's a Weeping Willow, then your picture is a willow-silhouette.
- on May 24, 2009
Andrea, I have really enjoyed seeing your artwork this year! You are a very creative, talented artist. I really like the pastel colors you used in the background of your tree. I think this one should hang on the wall in your bedroom! Keep creating!! :) Shelley
- on May 24, 2009
ANDREA, What a fantastic picture! It reminds me of a Doctor Seuss character. I like the way you posed him – touching his moustache. Keep up the great work! Cheers! Lisa
- on April 21, 2009
Congratulations Andrea for entering the Hall of Fame 2008-2009! You're awesome-Mrs. F
- on April 16, 2009
Andrea, You amaze me with your awesome ability to draw! You draw as well as Dr. Seuss did!!! I hope you continue to create and draw. Someday you will be a famous artist! Love, Shelley
- on April 16, 2009
sweet inspector dude ella59
- on April 16, 2009
Andrea you did great on this awsome project I love your artwork
- on April 16, 2009
- on April 2, 2009
Cool designs Andrea! I especially like your blue and orange cube. Keep creating those masterpieces! Shelley
- on March 25, 2009
Andrea: Your latest masterpiece is a beautiful work of modern art! The colors are wonderful. Grandma & Grandpa.
- on March 22, 2009
Andrea, your are an amazing artist!
- on March 21, 2009
Wow is this awesome!
- on March 21, 2009
We were amazed at all the differences you drew in just one picture. The people are both old and young, white and black. have long and short hair, and are dressed in opposite colors. You must have put a lot of thought into your drawing. We love it! Grandpa & Grandma.
- on February 17, 2009
Andrea, I really like the Sneetches story and I think that you have a great drawing representing it. You are very good at drawing faces! You continue to amaze me! Someday your art will be in an art store making you money. Love, Shelley
- on February 17, 2009
Andrea: Knock Knock! Who's there? Olive. Olive who? Olive your picture of Olive! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
- on January 14, 2009
Hey Andrea!! It's Joel!! I am so impressed with your Picasso Artwork. It is really really good. I still can't believe that you did that! Amazing!!
- on December 18, 2008
I was waiting to see your next creation! Did you draw this yourself? It's awesome. I think you should sell your artwork to help mom and dad with the mortgage payments! Have a Merry Christmas! Love, Shelley
- on December 18, 2008
This cat reminds me of Aunt Amy, huddled on the sofa with a fancy sweater. But I guess she doesn't have a tail...or whiskers! - Uncle John
- on November 21, 2008
WOW! I love the patterns you created and the colors on your cat are perfect(because they are my favorite colors!!) You continue to amaze me with your art ability. Keep Creating! Love, Shelley
- on November 21, 2008
you are a wonderful artist!
- on May 15, 2008
Ah yes, the yin and yang of the window to our souls. And with the hair coming out of the ears, at first I thought it was a picture of me! Nicely done, Andrea. - Tio John
- on April 14, 2008
Andrea, I can't believe how much your picture reminds me of Picasso!! You need to have your mom take you to the art institute to see all the paintings by Picasso. I think you would really like them. However, I think your colors are much better than the colors that Picasso used!! Thanks for sharing this with me. Shelley
- on April 15, 2008
Congratulations! This beautiful piece of art will be in the "Feast for the Eyes" exhibit in New Orleans for the National Art Education Association Convention!~Mrs.F
- on March 20, 2008
Nice job. I really like your work. Emily
- on March 20, 2008
Hi Andrea, Very cool use of your letters. It is very creative how you made your letters into flowers and animals. I also like your colors! This would be a great picture to hang in your room.
- on March 10, 2008
Andrea, Your white spot inspector is great. I really like the face that you painted. It is very detailed. He really looks like he is checking out your work for all the white spots. I look forward to seeing more of your art work next month. Thanks for sharing with me. Shelley
- on February 4, 2008
Andrea, This is such a good drawing that I find it hard to believe you drew it!!! You are a very good artist! I don't think that I could draw the Grinch as good as you have. Thanks for sharing your artwork with me. I love to see it!!! Shelley
- on January 22, 2008
Wow Andrea! Congratulations for entering the hall of fame! You rock! Mrs.F
- on January 8, 2008
Did you draw this? I'm so impressed with your art ability! You will need to get frames for your beautiful artwork. I'm so happpy that I was able to see it. Shelley
- on January 8, 2008
Wow Andrea! Your artwork is so great. It looks like Paul Cezanne himself created it. I really like the bright colors and also the designs you created in the background. Keep creating:)
- on December 18, 2007
Estoy tan orgullosa de ti. Eres muy considerada y siempre haces un gran esfuerzo. Te amo. Mami
- on October 26, 2007
Your mask is really cool! It's a little difficult to see on the computer. I wish I could see it up close. I think you chose a great comment to say. Everyone should say "Thank you" more often. Keep creating beautiful art work. You are one of my favorite artists!!
- on October 26, 2007
Andrea, I love the details that you drew in your fish. You are becoming a great artist. I can't wait to see your next picture! Shelley
- on October 16, 2007
Wow, Dit, This is an excellent drawing of a fish with all the fins and the scales and even the little gills around the mouth. You'll have to teach me how to draw fish. Aunt Amy
- on October 16, 2007
Love LOVE it! great job Andrea!
- on July 30, 2007
Congrats for getting into the Hall of Fame 2006-2007! MRS.F:)
- on July 30, 2007
Muy bien, Andrea. I love the colors of your flowers! I think you should get a frame for this picture and hang it in your room because it is so pretty. Shelley
- on June 4, 2007
Hola Nea: Este trabajo está muy bonito. Quiero que me cuentes después qué significa. Sooshy.
- on June 4, 2007
Hola Neita: ¿Cuándo hiciste éste? Está muy bonito. A mi me parece una corbata. ¿Qué es?
- on May 3, 2007
Andrea, I really like the colors and patterns that you used in your bow tie. It's very pretty. Take a picture of you wearing it. I'm sure you will look beautiful for your Kindergarten tea. You are a very good artist!!! Shelley
- on May 3, 2007
Hi Dit, I love the colors in this fish. Aunt Amy
- on April 30, 2007
Wow, Sweet Cheeks, Uncle Jim and I really love your art work! We can not wait to see you this summer. Anne, Ted, and Maggie send their love, too. Love, Aunt Kitty
- on April 30, 2007
Andrea, I love your artwork! You are a very talented artist. Thank you for including us in your fan club. Shelley
- on April 26, 2007
Andrea, esto te quedó muy bonito... la combinación de colores está perfecta. Me gustó, te felicito.