Richard7151's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Richard7151's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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It makes me so happy to see your cheerful, smiling heart artwork!
- Franklin (teacher at Weigelstown Elementary School (K-5)) on May 13, 2020
I enjoyed your drawing of the handwashing friends. Don't forget about the DrawSoCute YouTube channel if you feel like drawing on your own.
- Franklin (teacher at Weigelstown Elementary School (K-5)) on May 5, 2020
I'm so excited to see your ant hill drawing! You gave the ants a fun home underground!
- Franklin (teacher at Weigelstown Elementary School (K-5)) on May 5, 2020
Thank you for your Earth Day artwork. I enjoyed seeing what you used and how you made your artwork. Happy Earth Day!
- Franklin (teacher at Weigelstown Elementary School (K-5)) on April 28, 2020
Thank you for sharing your FID and other artwork you created at home during our time away from Weigelstown!
- Franklin (teacher at Weigelstown Elementary School (K-5)) on April 23, 2020
Thank you for being adventurous and exploring the tools in the Joy Doodle app. I have been so excited and happy to see your beautiful and creative results!
- Franklin (teacher at Weigelstown Elementary School (K-5)) on April 23, 2020
Thank you for drawing your beautiful and cheerful Spring drawings. I really enjoyed seeing how you combined drawings and added details & backgrounds to make your drawing your own!
- Franklin (teacher at Weigelstown Elementary School (K-5)) on April 20, 2020
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