Noah30402's Comments (2)

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Below are comments about Noah30402's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That is beautiful. I would like to see his description of the painting, and what the assignment was. Noah is a very creative child who has the eyes and interest for design. I wonder why his grades in art are below other subjects, I hope he doesn’t get discouraged by it. He has always dreamed of being an architect.
-- Janaina Dias
- on February 15, 2019
Noah is using a high key palette representing summer colors. The composition is balanced by a pattern of shapes and colors. It also has some movement as one figure stands on ground while holding what looks like a spinning wheel, and the other figure is jumping rope. It seems like one figure (may be a boy) holds the spinning action of the atmosphere so the other figure (could be another boy) can jump rope. They are certainly interacting in a very energetic play. Awesome instincts! Mom.
-- Janaina
- on December 28, 2018