Archer425's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Archer425's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Archer This art piece is so YOU!! How did you do this? I really like the colors, but most of all I like the action. Will be interested in hearing about the process involved in creating this!! Keep making art!! Grammie
- Grammy on June 7, 2023
Archer Can’t wait for you to tell me about this art piece! There are so many elements to it. Maybe you will talk me through it in New Mexico! Grammie
- Grammy on June 7, 2023
Archer Excellent use of symmetry! It is kind of scary, but very well done. Grammie
- Grammy on October 6, 2022
You were smart to choose a black background. It makes the colors stand out.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
Excellent color choices for the picture.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
Beautiful snow picture. Love all the snowflakes and ice cycles.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
Music brings joy and your collage shows the joy of guitar music. Great artwork with a joyful message!
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
This artwork makes me think of walking in the rain and getting to splash in puddles along the way! I can even smell that fresh clean smell of the air. Thank you for this memory.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
Beautiful background for your super hero. I am trying to imagine the story you have created in your mind for this illustration. How does Archer's super hero save the day?
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
The falling leaves is an important part of the fall season. It reminds me of our maple trees and all the leaves we rake each fall before winter arrives!
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
You are smart to place your beautiful blue owl on the branch of a birch tree. The tree's white bark frames the owl and makes it important for the viewer to notice.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
Great sculpture showing lots of details. Love your effort.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
This artwork shows the joy you have in watching sea and land creatures. It puts a smile on my face thinking of your happiness.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
You have painted a perfect background for the spider and its web. I really like the details of the web and busy spider. Your water color and ink creation shows that you have carefully observed spiders and their webs.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
A beautiful sunny day in Texas. Your picture makes me feel it is a time to celebrate living is Texas!
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
Love your beautiful owl. It looks just like the sculpture in my kitchen window. Owls are wise just like you are Archer.
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
This colorful bird looks like a rain forest resident. Your color choices help to blend the bird into its surroundings. I remember you visited a rain forest and had enjoyed the creatures of this ecosystem. I can imagine you watching all the little crawling creatures on the rain forest floor!
- Judy (Grandma) on October 6, 2022
I really liked your artwork it reminded me of a mean fighting bull!! I like your colors and the way you put it together. It could be a kite that could fly high on a windy spring day. Keep working on your art; it makes me happy!! Grammie
- Grammy on October 6, 2022
I really liked your artwork it reminded me of a mean fighting bull!! I like your colors and the way you put it together. It could be a kite that could fly high on a windy spring day. Keep working on your art; it makes me happy!! Grammie
- Grammy on October 6, 2022
Archer, Wow! I really liked your portrait!! Your eye were so clear and well defined. I also noticed how beautiful your background was and how it added color to the overall picture. I am so proud of you and your art!!! Love, Grammie
-- Grammy
- on October 6, 2022