Timber93's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Timber93's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really like this snowman next to the tree. That is some big snowflakes. Keep up the great art work!! Dad
- Keith (Father) on December 5, 2022
Timber, What a great job you did with your love monster! He is such a good love monster! We really like him. He is so full of love, like you! We love all the hearts you drew. It is such a great art drawing. You are a wonderful artist! Mamaw and Papaw love you very much! Love, Mamaw and Papaw
-- Mamaw
- on February 14, 2019
Timber, Your splat the cat is such a great piece of art work. I like his long tail! It looks like he is all black with a big spot on his belly. His eyes are green. He kinda looks like Lola. You are such a good artist! He looks like he is stuck to the window Timber. That silly cat! Keep up the good work! Mamaw and Papaw love you! Love, Mamaw and Papaw
-- Mamaw
- on January 30, 2019
Timber, You made a huge dot! You can make whatever you want and that is what makes it fun! You took your brush round and round! You did an excellent job on your dot and I am glad it was fun! You do so well in art! We are proud of you! We love you Timber! Love, Mamaw and Papaw
-- Mamaw
- on January 4, 2019
Timber, Your fish is very colorful! We think it is very beautiful! It has so many different colors. All the colors mixed makes your fish so special and beautiful! I like how it is swimming at the bottom of the ocean. It is exploring and looking around. You did such a good job on your fish Timber! We are proud of you! Love, Mamaw and Papaw
-- Mamaw
- on January 4, 2019
Timber, You drew a beautiful turtle! I like how it is crawling around exploring. It is such a beautiful green turtle. It is enjoying a beautiful day with a beautiful blue sky. You did such a wonderful job with this picture Timber! You are a great artist! Love, Mamaw and Papaw
-- Mamaw
- on January 4, 2019
Timber, We love the elephant you made! It is so very good! We love his eyes, his ears, his trunk, and his tusks! It is looks like a real elephant! You are so good with art Timber! Keep up the great work! Mamaw and Papaw love you! Love, Mamaw and Papaw
-- Mamaw
- on January 4, 2019
Timber, What a wonderful picture you drew! You did such a good job on the eyes, nose and the teeth! It is very colorful Timber! You are such a very good artist and Mamaw and Papaw could not be more proud of you! Keep up the good work! Love, Mamaw and Papae
-- Mamaw
- on January 4, 2019
Timber, We love your snowman! You did such a good job on him! We love his black cap and red scarf! We love his buttons on his belly! He is such a handsome snowman! We love the snowflakes you have in the background. You did such a wonderful job on your picture Timber! You are an excellent artist. Keep up the great work! Mamaw and Papaw are so proud of you! We love you Timber! Love, Mamaw and Papaw
-- Mamaw
- on January 4, 2019