Caitlin5719's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Caitlin5719's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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A descriptive drawing.
- Kenneth (Father) on March 1, 2024
Aurora borealis? Hopefully we can go to the far north to see them.
- Kenneth (Father) on January 30, 2024
I think it is my thumb print, my "password" for getting onto my phone. :-)
- Kenneth (Father) on October 30, 2023
Caitlin is thinking about herself, the "goose girl." I like the scupture and the shadow. Nice. Caitlin has carried around many geese.
- Kenneth (Father) on October 14, 2023
Caitlin is thinking about herself, the "goose girl." I like the scupture and the shadow. Nice.
- Kenneth on December 20, 2023
That is novel. I enjoy your creativity.
- Kenneth (Father) on April 2, 2023
Looks good. Sharp.
- Kenneth (Father) on March 9, 2023
A revelation of the "inner self!?"
- Kenneth (Father) on January 25, 2023
Beautiful, I like the sharp contrast of colors, and the owl flying overhead. :-)
- Kenneth (Father) on December 22, 2022
- Kenneth (Father) on November 27, 2022
Geometric shapes in red.
- Kenneth (Father) on November 2, 2022
Made me smile at 5:25 am. I like it, the colors and design.
- Ken on June 3, 2022
Sleep well.
- Kenneth (Father) on May 11, 2022
A ferocious fish in the middle, a butterfly in mid-left, and a heart upper right.
- Kenneth (Father) on April 19, 2022
interesting collage, colors, shapes, as well as design. very artistic
- Ruth on April 28, 2022
interesting idea, like a machine rolling out paper with lines, dots of different colors. is a nice picture.
- Ruth on April 6, 2022
Interesting design!! also, a nice variety and use of color, with dots, plus a streamer
- Ruth on April 13, 2022
nice art work, such detail, plus colors and fine lines. could be interpreted a couple different views!!
- Ruth on January 5, 2022
nice shading of colors. you have a good eye for drawing, coloring, imagination!! Makes life a bit of fun
- Ruth on January 5, 2022
Like the eye of a hurricane.
- Kenneth (Father) on October 6, 2021
I like it, it looks like the transition between night and morning, or late afternoon and evening.
- Kenneth (Father) on September 29, 2021
Nicely done, exploring the difference between daytime and night time. Interesting project, took some thought to design and create.
- Ruth on October 1, 2021
wow!!! All for valentines day. nice colors. perfect hears, you have a steady hand!
- Ruth on September 26, 2021
Caitlin, you are very artistic with great talent for drawing and choosing colors. the hat is interesting, almost rainbow colors! Also the nose, looks like a 3-D nose. The red does make it stand out! You enjoy creating, using your brain, steady hand, and love of colors. Makes your world more interesting for you.
- Ruth on September 26, 2021
Great snowman Caitlin! You did an excellent job choosing the colors. I like the striped hat!
- Ruth on September 26, 2021
Red nose, colorful hat.
- Kenneth (Father) on February 4, 2020
An interesting Christmas tree! Decorated with the traditional gold star on the top, and colored heart shaped lights. Perhaps some day a company will take this idea and produce colored Christmas tree lights in heart shape. The young do produce changes in our world, sometimes with their own creativity.
- Ruth on January 22, 2020
beautiful mix of bright colors. A heart is a plus for all of us, to care about each other. Would be interesting to know the answer to "what can your dot become",requires some imagination. the young have great ideas and thoughts.
- Ruth on November 1, 2019
mmm, these very colorful mice look like are in 3D. as well as the colored mat they are sitting on. Love the tails!!!
- Ruth on October 2, 2019
Very intricate work with a sharp (?) scissors to make the cutouts. Especially the silver star at the top. Also, nice to use different colors. It looks like you like working with colors, scissors and especially colors.
- Ruth on October 2, 2019
Interesting snow woman, yes, there are "snow women", not just snowmen, how did you make the fuzzy look around the edges. Looks like you enjoy creating art work---a great past time for you. Adding a red scarf was a great idea, sets the picture off.
-- Ruth
- on March 27, 2019
mmmm, a very colorful owl! Even feathers are multi colored. (do you know what those two words mean?) Plus such colorful wings, "such big eyes you have". very artistic!
-- Ruth
- on March 27, 2019
Beautiful! Nice arrangement of colors with the many lines. you worked hard to keep them apart and still follow the heart. your little hearts plus the 3 little dots gives the impression of a face. Plus outlining the heart in red makes it stand out.
-- Ruth
- on March 14, 2019
-- Kenneth
- on February 27, 2019
Nice, artistic. Seasonal.
-- Kenneth
- on December 26, 2018
A beautiful Christmas tree with ornaments. I like the "needles" of the fir tree. Caitlin likes drawing, coloring, plus being creative!
-- Ruth
- on January 2, 2019
Very nice.
-- Kenneth
- on November 16, 2018
Caitlin made this aquarium box with mom in February, 2018 Good job!
-- Guiqiu
- on November 6, 2018
beautiful colors!!! plus different designs of style. They look like they could be bracelets? Interesting project to cut the different shapes, as well as colors. Is a good stimulation for thinking and doing. I admire the teacher who is taking the time for each individual student. thank you for that. Am looking forward to more of the art work.
-- Ruth
- on October 31, 2018
Caitlin, very nice art work, in design and color. -- Dad
-- Ken
- on October 31, 2018