William16815's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about William16815's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi William! I'm a little past Christmas in telling you how much I love your picture of Baby Jesus. You have placed Him in a manger much like the one he was placed in as a baby. Surely he would have been very comfortable if the one He was in was as nice as yours. I love all your beautiful art work. Can't wait to see what you will do for your next piece. Love you!
- NaNa on February 11, 2020
Oh My Gosh, William!! You must have worked so hard on these Kardinsky circles. They are so colorful and perfect inside the squares. I notice that the larger circles completely surround the smaller ones. This must have taken all of your concentration. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see your next piece of artwork. Love
- NaNa on November 27, 2019
Hi William! This is a perfect picture of the American Flag. I can see you worked very intently to create this masterpiece. Always remember what the American Flag represents and hold that thought close to your heart. Keep up the good work. Love you.
- NaNa on November 27, 2019
Hi, Best Buddy!! I love this picture of all the koi fish. They are so colorful and beautiful swimming in koi ponds or water gardens. Did you know that koi fish will recognize the persons feeding them and gather around them at feeding time. Also, they can live to be 25 years old or more. Aren't those interesting facts!! Love you.
-- NaNa
- on July 24, 2019
Is this a Valentine's Day picture, William? It is beautiful. I love the yellow hearts instead of the red and pink ones we always see. I understand they are monochromatic hearts. Can you explain to me what this means? I would like to know. Hope to hear from you soon. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on July 24, 2019
William!! This looks just like the snowman I wanted to build this past winter. And guess what, William. The big tree on the side of my house is a birch tree just like the one in your picture. My tree even has the paper-like peelings coming off of its trunks just like the ones in your picture. That is just the perfect place for a snow person to be. Maybe you can build one when we have our next snow day!! Happy Artwork.
-- NaNa
- on July 24, 2019
Hi William! How beautiful is this picture of cherry blossoms that bloom in the springtime!! It is amazing that you could use your fingerprints to make the flowers. I know you worked very hard on this picture and I'm sure it was a lot of fun getting your fingers all "messy". Keep up the good work. I'm guessing this is your last picture for your kindergarten year so I will be looking forward to your first picture in the first grade. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on July 24, 2019
What an artist you are, William! This picture says "Happy Thanksgiving" in a most unique way. He is so cute and colorful. I understand you created this artwork with your hand and foot prints. I bet it was so much fun working on this. You are such a good art student. I look forward to your next creation. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on December 5, 2018
William -- Is this the black cat I saw sitting on your fence on Halloween? He looks pretty cute all propped up looking out into the yard. Your picture is so nice and bright and colorful. Can you help me make a picture like this sometime? Can't wait to see what artwork you will do next. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on December 5, 2018
Hi William! What a beautiful picture you created of Baby Jesus and Mother Mary. It looks like this picture was hand-painted. You did a wonderful job of staying in the lines and your colors are so pretty. This piece of art certainly reminds us of the special birthday of Jesus that we will be celebrating soon. Keep up the good work. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on December 5, 2018