Sybil35's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Sybil35's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hello Sybil. What a swell mandala weaving! You've included a lot of detail in your painting. The spirals are a really nice touch. There are so many spirals in the world, like plants and animals, and out of this world too. Like galaxies. The finger weaving is carefully done. I like how the rim combines so nicely with the colors in the center. I think I see a little green and blue hidden under the weaving. I'm eager to see it in person. Keep having fun with your art, Sybil. G-ma
- G-Ma(fan) on November 23, 2022
I live the picture Sybil!
- Melissa on June 15, 2022
Dear Sybil, What a dreamy watercolor and folded paper piece of art you've made! I want to jump in the pond with the koi fish. Watercolor is a challenging art medium. Keep at it!
- G-ma on March 2, 2022
Hello Sybil. A halo of color that sometimes surrounds the sun is called a "Sun Dog". Your halo of color could be called a "Moon Dog". The moon with its craters is the center of attention, but the tree is stretching its bony branches as if to say "don't forget about me!". It's a lovely mosaic. (I wish I could write this to you in cursive.) G-ma
- Parent (Parent/Guardian) on January 17, 2022
Your circles and lines create interesting perspective, Sybil. The circle on top of the building adds a nice touch of contrast with the green, purple, and blue circles behind it. Keep having fun exploring with art, Sybil.
- G-ma on December 1, 2021
I LOVE this, Sybil! It's a Wow! Love, Aunt Jo
- Joanne on December 1, 2021
Hello Sybil. Your circle has carefully laid out symmetry and nice attention to detail. Acorns, leaves, Indian corn, and owls are great symbols of fall. The rainbow flower brings vibrant color to the center of your circle. Keep having fun with your art, Sybil. (I wish I could write this in cursive.)
- G-ma on November 30, 2021
WOW, Sybil! Your "Dot Art" is eye-popping! The vibrant colors and detailed textures make your art seem to jump right off the page. I'd like to have fabric with your design on it. Keep having fun with your art, Sybil.
- G-ma on October 27, 2021
Hi Sybil, Your "tower of turtles" is so much fun! I love your sense of humor, putting the top turtle upside down! And what fun you had making each shell a different design - I love that! Keep on creating!
- Joanne on April 1, 2020
Hello Sybil. What a wonderful pile of turtles you've painted. I like their cute little faces, especially the turtle at the top of the heap. The purple and dark blue colors add a nice touch to the background. You blended them nicely. Keep having fun with your art projects, Sybil.
- G-ma on April 1, 2020
Your panda looks so real. You did such a wonderful job with all the details, from the eyes, to the ears, to the nose, and to those adorable little feet. The bamboo looks incredible as well.
- Tiffaney on January 1, 2020
I love the colors in your cat.
- Tiffaney on January 1, 2020
????? and Kon'nichiwa, Sybil! Both mean "hello" in Japanese. It looks like you dyed the kimono fabric yourself. I like your colors. Would you like to wear a kimono? Making a folded kimono is a great way to learn about Japanese culture. Maybe you'll go to Japan some day!
- G-ma on January 1, 2020
Hello Sybil. Your panda looks very content sitting in the bamboo tree. I like how you drew the feet with the paws looking at the viewer. The bamboo poles give depth to your painting. They look like they are leaning right off the page. Next time we're together, please tell me all you know about pandas. Keep having fun with your art, Sybil!
- G-ma on December 11, 2019
Hoo hoo Sybil. What a terrific great horned howl you painted as it sits watching and listening for its supper on a starry night. Your owl looks pretty fancy with yellow and orange feathers. An owl's favorite food is voles, which they are able to hear running around under the snow. The owl dives feet first into the snow to grab the vole. Keep observing and paying attention to nature, Sybil. Animals and plants are fun to draw.
- G-ma on December 11, 2019
Sybil, you are learning so much about important visual artists. When I was five years old, I didn't know the dickens about Diego Rivera. Since you've painted your own "Flower Carrier", I noticed a print of his "Flower Vendor" in the shop where my hair is cut. I've been there a hundred times, but never really, REALLY looked at the painting until I saw yours. In both paintings, someone is struggling to stand up with an enormous bouquet of flowers. In your painting, a woman is helping a man; in "Flower Vendor", the helper is behind the woman. We don't see a face, but we see enormous feet. Would you be able to carry such a big load? Will the farmer make a lot of money selling the flowers to rich people? You have me thinking! Thank you for opening my eyes to the paintings and message of Diego Rivera.
-- G-ma
- on May 13, 2019
Your painting of the Village and I would make a great puzzle, Sybil. I see round shapes, triangle shapes, and many sided shapes. Your vibrant blue background gives a lot of contrast to the goat and the man. Are they having a staring contest? I especially like the tree that the man is holding. Perhaps it's the Tree of Life. When Chagall was thinking about his home in Russia, his memories were dreamy. I would like to see a painting of your memories of Chicago. You could make it as dreamlike as Chagall did.
-- G-ma
- on May 7, 2019
Hi Sybil! I like your bright firefly. You add some nice detail in the wings. Let's look for some in Penn Yan this summer.
-- G-ma
- on May 7, 2019
Hi Sybil. The farmer's pitchfork reminds me of one that Uncle Bruce used on the farm. You brought a lot of attention to the details of Grant Wood's painting to your own American Gothic, such as the rick rack on the daughter's dress, the round trees, the fancy window in the house, the buttons on the farmer's shirt. Good observation, Sybil! Artists are good observers. You are a good observer.
-- G-ma
- on May 7, 2019
Hello Sybil.The first thing I noticed in your painting is the careful attention you brought to drawing your hands. There is so much to observe in something as close as our hands. Da Vinci painted Mona Lisa with a little smile - it looks like she is sharing a chuckle with the person looking at her. In your painting, am I seeing a bit of your tongue? It looks like you are sharing a little joke with us. Keep having fun with your art, Sybil.
-- G-ma
- on March 4, 2019
Hello Sybil. I like how the irises really stand out from the warm shades of the watercolor background. Iris are very elegant flowers (not sassy like black eyed Susans). The petals on your irises drape and stand up very gracefully. Your Grand-Uncle Dana has won many awards for irises that he has hybridized, which means he's created new flowers. In the spring and summer, his fields are filled with iris, peonies, and many other flowers. Artists come from all around to sit in his garden and paint flowers. Just like Vincent Van Gogh did! Keep having fun with your art projects, Sybil.
-- G-ma
- on March 1, 2019
Sybil, I love how you are learning about different artists and then doing a painting in the style of the artist you are studying! You are doing a great job!
-- Joanne
- on January 21, 2019
Your kitty's big eyes are looking right at me. Maybe the cat is daydreaming about birds. You drew the whiskers very carefully with a little bend at the end of each one. I like the little heart shaped nose. You are learning about a famous artist - good work, Sybil!
-- G-ma
- on January 21, 2019
Hello Sybil. I like the rainbow fur on your rabbit. You brushed the way the fur would lay. Albrecht Durer's rabbit looks so real that I think it might leap off the page. You have painted a happy rabbit - nice smile. Hop on! G-ma
-- Ed/Linda
- on January 14, 2019
The squares look like they will tumble right off the paper! Nice motion, Sybil. I think you like turquoise.
-- G-ma
- on January 2, 2019
Hi Sybil. Your tree stands tall and strong with the snow storm swirling behind it. I feel cold looking at your cool colors of blue, green, and purple. That's what art is about - feelings!
-- G-ma
- on December 19, 2018
Wow, Sybil. Your turquoise oval with small pink ovals seems to be jumping out of the watercolor background. It POPS out! Keep having fun exploring with color!
-- G-ma
- on December 19, 2018
Rectangles! Your painting reminds me of a city street with lots of doors and windows. Other people will see something different. I especially like the rectangle in the middle that's on its side. You are expressing yourself through art. Good job, Sybil!
-- Ed/Linda
- on November 28, 2018
There are so many textures in your painting, Sybil. I like the layers of color and the small, medium, and large triangles. I can tell that you did a good job of following your teacher's directions. Have fun with art!
-- Ed/Linda
- on November 28, 2018
I like your circles, Sybil! I'm imagining bubbles floating through beautiful colors. Have fun experimenting with color and line. It's unique - not another piece is like yours. G-ma
-- Ed/Linda
- on November 28, 2018
I love this picture Sybil. Great color choices!
-- Melissa
- on November 7, 2018
This is wonderful! I love it, good job!
-- greger
- on October 24, 2018