Maude30's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Maude30's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, I really have to study your weaving closely to follow the pattern. Is it more of a free-form pattern? That's fun, too.I like your cheery, warm colors.I bet there's not another weaving exactly like this one in the WHOLE world. Have fun being creative, Maude.
- G-ma on November 15, 2022
Hello Maude. You've been busy as a spider! Your weaving pattern took a lot of concentration - maybe more than weaving potholders? It's fun to make free-style art, but working with symmetrical patterns is also enjoyable and challenging, too! Let's try making your pattern with fabric strips. Keep having fun with your art, Maude.
- G-ma on November 15, 2022
Hello Maude. What a great mandala weaving! The symmetrical, colorful design, is a lively background for the finger weaving, which seems to float above the painting. I like your yarn colors. Was it hard to keep the red yarn taut (another word for "tight")? You did a great job.
- G-ma on November 15, 2022
Hi Maude. Your portrait has a lot of spunk and vitality. Is this a "self-portrait in purple"? Your eyes are just sparkling! Great job, Maude.
- G-Ma on June 15, 2022
What if you turned purple!? You probably wouldn’t need to bathe so often since the dirt would just blend in;)
- Melissa on June 15, 2022
Hello Maude. I like how you've positioned your tree in front of the full moon. The pastel colors make it look like a cold, mysterious night in the woods. Keep exploring with colors and shapes. Good job, Maude.
- G-ma on January 12, 2022
What vibrant colors, Maude! Your skyscrapers are popping right off the paper. Good work on filling the sky in with the blues, greens, and purple. Would you like to live in a skyscraper?
- G-ma on December 8, 2021
Hello Maude. With hot chocolate in a pretty mug, a striped scarf, fall leaves, acorns, a sunny flower, and a heart shaped apple, your colorful drawing makes me feel warm and cozy. But hey!!!!! Is that a bite in the apple or a worm hole, Maude Keep having fun with your art.
- G-ma on December 1, 2021
Hello Maude. I like the colors of turquoise, purple, pink, and green that you used in your "Dot Art". Your interesting designs, such as zig-zags, floating spirals, and swimming jelly beans, give it a lot of texture. Now I want to read "The Dot". Keep having fun as you explore colors and designs, Maude.
- G-Ma on October 12, 2021
Maude, you have a terrific sense of design and fun color combinations in this latest piece!
- Joanne on October 12, 2021
Dear Maude, Yesterday when it was rainy and sleety and yucky, I kept thinking "I wish I had an umbrella like the one in Maude's painting." You've learned a lot about the color wheel while making a beautiful umbrella at the same time. The watercolor background really looks like rain. If I touched it, I believe my finger would feel wet. You'll stay dry with a bumbershoot (ask Mommy or Daddy what that means), but have fun jumping in puddles.
- G-ma on April 1, 2020
Hi Maude! I love your winter bear! The details in the scarf are so designful and fun. And the eyes are very expressive. Love the snowflakes in the background, too. You are showing great progress in your artwork.
- Joanne on April 1, 2020
Oodles of turtles!!! And each one is different. How would you like to carry your house on your back, Maude? I especially like how you blended the blues and purples together. I think your painting would make a lovely design for fabric. Keep having fun with your watercolors, Maude.
- G-ma on April 1, 2020
You've made a sweet bear, Maude! I like her warm, colorful scarf. Did you use wax to make the snowflakes and fur marks? I especially like the bear's twinkly eyes. Soon bears will be coming out of hibernation and they will be VERY hungry. Your bear looks nice and round. Nice work, Maude. Keep having fun with your art!
- G-ma on April 1, 2020
What a colorful array of designs you've put on your rainbow flower, Maude. It's a little hard to see on the computer, but it looks like you've drawn a different pattern on each petal. Are you starting to notice patterns in nature? There's no other rainbow flower like yours in the whole world! Keep having fun with your art!
- G-Ma on February 6, 2020
I love the leaves and the bamboo. Your panda looks so cute too!
- Tiffaney on January 1, 2020
Hello Maude. What a sweet panda you have drawn. The bamboo stalks and leaves are a nice background. Scientists think pandas eat bamboo because it grows really fast and is so abundant. Bamboo is high in fiber but has low nutrition so pandas have to eat 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo every day. Would you like to eat 20 to 40 pounds of food every day? It's fun to learn about animals through art and good observation. Nice job, Maude.
- G-ma on January 1, 2020
Hello Maude! What a nice job you did creating and folding the kimono fabric and fan. I'd like to have a shirt with those colors. Charlie, one of your grown-up cousins, is a student in Japan. He started to learn Japanese when he was 13 years old. He has worked really hard to learn the Japanese alphabet. It's very different from ours and quite beautiful. He likes the Japanese people and their culture and intends to live there now. Maybe you will live in a different country when you are older. ????? Sayonara Good bye.
- G-ma on January 1, 2020
What a cute, fuzzy caterpillar eating your watercolor leaf. Did you read Eric Carle's book in class? That caterpillar was VERY hungry. Nice job, Maude.
- G-ma on November 6, 2019
Hoooooo!! Hooooooo, Maude!! Your owl is filling the night sky (I see stars) with an eerie sound. It looks like she even scared herself! With its tufted feathers, did you paint a great horned owl? There is nice contrast between the rich orange and the light blue colors. Keep having fun with art, Maude.
- G-ma on November 6, 2019
Dear Maude, I like the way you used shapes and color to highlight the details in your "Flower Carrier". Diego Rivera painted green leaves in the background of his painting, but I like your abode wall with red rocks protruding - that's what a handmade wall looks like. Was this your own idea? You chose vibrant colors for the fabrics of the farmer's shirt and pants. People in hot climates like Mexico (and Hawaii) wear bright colors. When we were with your Daddy in Morocco Africa, we saw mules that were loaded with mint. The farmer walked alongside the animal as they came into the market to sell the fragrant leaves. It was a very heavy burden for the mule and a long walk for the farmer. Later when we drank mint tea at a local cafe, I thought about the mule and the farmer. People work very hard to grow fruit and vegetables for us. Some of the workers are Mexican like Diego Rivera. I am grateful for all the people who help us live our lives. Aren't you glad the woman was there to help her husband lift the heavy load? Keep having fun with your art, Maude.
-- G-ma
- on May 13, 2019
Hello Maude. You have captured the spirit of Marc Chagall's painting very well. I see the line connecting the eyes, the upside down houses, and floating person. Chagall was painting his own magical, whimsical world. It's fun to use your imagination and make your own reality. I'm glad you have the chance to learn about important artists. When you see their paintings in an art museum, you will already know a lot about them.
-- G-ma
- on May 7, 2019
Hi Maude. Your squirrel looks like it's getting ready for a big leap from a tree branch to the tree trunk. Squirrels are good climbers...just like you! Keep observing nature and then have fun drawing what you see.
-- G-ma
- on May 7, 2019
Your American Gothic is different from everyone else's American Gothic....and there are so many of them! The faces you drew are quite serious just like in Grant Wood's painting. I don't think they are going to tell a joke, do you? Nice job noticing the details of the painting - the window, her necklace, his buttons, the rickrack on her apron. You are learning about a very famous painting. Sometime you will go to a museum to see the real AG. Then you will remember all you learned in your art class. Congratulations, Maude.
-- G-ma
- on May 7, 2019
Wow! What powerful eyes you drew, Maude. I feel like they are looking right at me. I'm glad you included your sweet little ears. There is a lot of energy in how you drew your hair. Were you looking at a mirror or a photo when you painted your picture? Your painting shows a girl with a strong personality...and that's you!
-- G-ma
- on March 4, 2019
Maude, your art work is showing great progress. This portrait is well-balanced and as always, I love your colors!
-- Joanne
- on March 1, 2019
Dear Maude, Each one of your irises is unique, just like in nature where nothing is exactly the same. You shaped the iris petals very nicely - some droop down and some reach up. This summer let's sit outside in the garden like Vincent Van Gogh did and paint some flowers.
-- G-ma
- on March 1, 2019
Maude, your colors are very happy ones! I love seeing your artwork!
-- Joanne
- on January 21, 2019
Hi Maude. I think your cat must be quite proud of her magnificent whiskers. The tiny bird must be very brave to sit on the kitty's head. Her big, golden eyes are looking right at me. I like the rich colors you painted in the background. Meow to you!
-- G-ma
- on January 21, 2019
It looks like your rabbit is in the middle of a great, very big hop! So colorful! Nice whiskers and such a fluffy tail. Keep having fun with your art, Maude.
-- Ed/Linda
- on January 14, 2019
Maude, did you draw the lines that divide the paper into 6 squares? Wow - that's good measuring. Each square has squares inside it, but each square is different. Very creative.
-- G-Ma
- on January 2, 2019
Dear Maude, Your winter tree would make a good climbing tree. I can imagine you sitting on one of the branches. What a lovely snow storm of green, blue, and purple behind the tree. I can tell that you like winter.
-- G-ma
- on December 19, 2018
Nice ovals, Maude. When we make bagels, let's make ovals that remind us of your painting. Nice colors!
-- G-ma
- on December 19, 2018
Maude, you must have been very happy when you painted this picture. The bright colors are so cheerful and there's so much activity in it. Keep having fun with your art work.
-- Ed/Linda
- on November 29, 2018
What rich and dark colors you've used, Maude. It reminds me of a dark, stormy night. I see lots of purple. I like the splash of orange in the bottom corner - nice balance.
-- Ed/Linda
- on November 29, 2018
Dear Maude, Wow! I really like all the movement in your art work. I can tell that you really like working with lines and then adding watercolors. I see triangles in this painting. You are following your teacher's guidelines but, at the same time, creating your own original art work. There's not another piece of art in the WORLD quite like yours. Keep having fun with art. Grand-mima
-- Ed/Linda
- on November 29, 2018
Beautiful artwork Maude! I like the mixed medium.
-- Melissa
- on November 7, 2018
Such beautiful art! Great work Maude!
-- greger
- on October 24, 2018