Ridge216's Comments (73)

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Below are comments about Ridge216's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow Ridge...your dog art is awesome! Great job, I love it! Keep up the great work! Love Namaw
- Carol on January 31, 2024
Hey Ridge...here we go again! I love ALL your artwork, I think you know that already! This, being your last year, makes seeing your artwork even more special! I really find the dude in this picture quite expressive! He's half smiling, but keeping his eyes on what the spiders are doing! Yikes! His hair is cool like yours! Keep up the great artwork because I can't wait until your next work of art!
- Carol on November 29, 2023
Cool Ridge!! Looks like a disco ball!! Aunt Jacy would like this!! ??
- Nana on April 5, 2023
Great drawing Ridge!! Nana likes this ??????
- Nana on March 1, 2023
Looks like scratch art. Nice work!
- Jenny (Mother) on January 17, 2023
This cool and I’ve never seen anything like it!
- Jenny (Mother) on January 17, 2023
Is this Mahomes? This is really good.
- Jenny (Mother) on January 17, 2023
Really cool! I like it.
- Jenny (Mother) on January 17, 2023
This looks like a wild puzzle with a hidden message! Come on Ridge, I need a hint! Was your assignment to mess with Namaw's brain?! I can't wait to get the scoop! :)
- Carol on December 28, 2022
I really like this one too...it's appealing to my eyes! I think it looks like ceramic outer ring with a crocheted center, creating a beautiful piece of art, once again! Great job Ridge! :)
- Carol on October 26, 2022
This is quite an interesting piece of art Ridge! It looks like a bird, but I could be way off! I will be sure to ask you what you used to put this all together-it's very cool! :)
- Carol on October 26, 2022
Spooky eyes, this definitely looks like a bird.
- Lance (Father) on October 19, 2022
I'm not a fan of "snakes", but I met this snake in person at Ridge's home and he was very cute with its red skin (not slithery like I thought) and it had googly eyes! Great job Ridge-you are such an artist! :)
- Carol on June 22, 2022
Wow! I studied and got lost in your piece of art Ridge and I've come to the conclusion: You my boy are so talented! It must have taken patience to do all the swirl designs-they're awesome! The hands take on a new meaning of art with a message! Is it your message Ridge? Thank you for sharing your artwork...it's simply so special!
- Carol on May 4, 2022
This is an awesome piece of artwork Ridge! Looks like fog in a swamp of leafless trees! I wonder if there's creepy crawly things hiding or worse, alligators hiding behind the curtain of fog! I wouldn't want to take a walk in this picture-SPOOKY! I love it buddy! Love Namaw
- Carol on May 4, 2022
Good job buddy
- Jeff on May 4, 2022
Dude! This is awesome! Love the sharks behind the portrait, it rocks!
- Lance (Father) on January 18, 2022
Well if these little fox are the cutest little fox I've ever seen! Ridge, your art work is such a joy for me! Every time I get a notice, it's like opening a present! Thank you Buddy! Love, Namaw
- Carol on January 18, 2022
This reminds me of deep space with floating planets intersecting each other and bumping off! I think I want to take a ride on the big blue one! Wheeeeee! This one makes me happy! Thanks Ridge! :)
- Carol on January 18, 2022
Now I've seen it all...you painted with light! This is like a glow-stick pic! Who knew?! I love it, it's so cool! Thank you Ridge! Great job! :)
- Carol on January 18, 2022
Ridge...I found myself lost in your fruit bowl picture! So, so interesting with awesome designs and details EVERYWHERE! From the fruit to the bowl to the tablecloth to the walls-wonderous details! Beautiful job Ridge!
- Carol on January 18, 2022
I wish I could have a fish just like this in a bowl! Your artistry is so amazing and I look forward to your next project and the next and the next, etc.! Great job Ridge!
- Carol on January 18, 2022
So awesome Ridge! This piece of artwork sparked my imagination, for sure! At firs blush (look), I thought it was a baby dragon learning how to crawl! The dragon looks a bit frustrated by showing his teeth! LOL It sure is a swirly picture and I LOVE it! Keep up the great work you do, not only in art, but in all subjects of your life! Love Namaw XO
- CAROL on November 3, 2021
Holy cow this is awesome! Excellent work dude!
- Lance (Father) on September 22, 2021
Ridge's artwork is so exciting to see AGAIN this year! Weeeeeee, hang onto your hats for the artist has returned and his name is RIDGE! Awesome "Graffiti of your name" Ridge! I'm excited for your next project! Love Namaw :)
- Carol on September 22, 2021
I love that you mix your Minecraft world with your art, amazing weaving.
- Lance (Father) on May 24, 2021
You did it again Ridge! You up your game on every piece of artwork you create! This paper plate flower is beautiful! I'd love to see a whole valley full of your flowers-wouldn't that be awesome! Let your imagination flow! Love Namaw
- CAROL on May 24, 2021
Your vase of flowers painting is so pretty! I love how you out-lined the vase and flowers and then filled it in with colors, making this a work of art worth being in an art gallery with the best of artist! Great job Ridge! Love Namaw XO
- Carol on May 20, 2021
What a cute little fish! I love all the different textures and colors you included! Ridge you amaze me with ALL of your art talents! Great job buddy! Love Namaw
- Carol on April 21, 2021
Wow! I like looking at this piece.
- Jenny (Mother) on April 6, 2021
This is so good!
- Jenny (Mother) on April 6, 2021
This is pretty!
- Jenny (Mother) on April 6, 2021
Your did great on this!
- Jenny (Mother) on April 6, 2021
Good enough to eat!!
- Jenny (Mother) on April 6, 2021
My favorite!!
- Jenny (Mother) on April 6, 2021
Very cool, Ridge! Love it.
- Jenny (Mother) on April 6, 2021
I really, really like your portrait Ridge! It's so interesting and colorful! I think you could be a famous artist someday! You have a great imagination! Keep up the great work buddy! Love Namaw
- Carol on March 24, 2021
This dragon is sooooo cool dude, I’m always excited to see what you’ll draw next!
- Lance (Father) on January 25, 2021
I LOVE this work of art Ridge! Of course, I love all your artwork! It's so full of detail and beauty! Two cardinals on a branch with a sprig of the tree remaining on the branch and the stars in the sky with water below! This makes me feel happy and loved! Thank you Ridge...keep up the good work buddy! Love Namaw
- Carol on January 25, 2021
Your ice-cream cone looks so yummy! Four scoops is a lot, but that looks too good to pass it up! M-m-m-m-m! Nice job Ridge! You are a good artist! I love all your work! Love Namaw XO
- Carol on December 2, 2020
Nice print artwork Ridge! I love how you spaced the red blocks and the dinosaurs-so cool! Keep up the good work! Love Namaw XO
- Carol on December 2, 2020
Looks good enough to eat! Great job dude, your artistic abilities are great!
- Dad on November 11, 2020
WOW! I don't think I've seen such a beautiful oak leaf Ridge! I want some wallpaper made with your artistry! Good job Buddy...you're back! Love Namaw! :)
- Carol on October 7, 2020
Holy cow! This watercolor painting, not sure if any other medium was used but it’s fantastic!
- Lance (Father) on October 1, 2020
Wow! I love your "Blue Dog" artwork Ridge! Your painting is amazing and so cute! Now I want a blue dog! Love Namaw
- Carol on March 18, 2020
Nice job buddy
- Jeff on March 18, 2020
I love the textures in this artwork, great job dude!
- Dad on March 10, 2020
Awesome penguin, he looks “cool” :)
- Dad on March 10, 2020
How did I miss this, those are awesome lights!
- Dad on March 10, 2020
Gorgeous painting dude!
- Dad on March 10, 2020
Wow, great version of Blue Dog, you are such a great artist!
- Dad on March 10, 2020
Nice weaving Ridge! That is so eye-catching! I always am so happily surprised by your artwork and I can't wait until the next one is published! Keep up the great work! Love Namaw
- Carol on March 10, 2020
This looks so real!! I love it!
- Jenny on February 19, 2020
Ahhhh!!! Shark!!! That's no baby shark, do do do do!!! You are such a good artist! And when I get a notice that you have a new project, I get so excited to see your creation! Awesome Ridge...you rock! Love Namaw XO
- Carol on February 19, 2020
Holy cow! That is an awesome shark, it looks super scary with the red eyes! Great job dude!
- Lance (Father) on February 11, 2020
Great work!!! You are talented with your drawings!!! Love Nana
- Penny on February 12, 2020
Wow Ridge, I can tell you put a lot of imagination into creating this fantastic work of art! Your art makes me feel so happy and I find myself anxiously waiting for the surprises in your next project! Keep up the great work! Love Namaw
- Carol on January 29, 2020
Buddy, I love the different lines you made between the colors and how each one is different. Great job on coloring between the lines too. Keep up the amazing artwork, Mom and I love seeing them!
- Lance (Father) on January 3, 2020
Ridge...you are a true artist! I love your self-portrait that is so wonderful, interesting and looks just like you! I also loved your name spelled out was very colorful! Good job 1st grader...you rock! Love Namaw
- Carol on October 30, 2019
Papa and Nana enjoy your artwork Ridge!! Your tree drawing of the four seasons is very good!! Keep up the great work!!
-- Penny
- on May 15, 2019
Wow, very impressive drawing, I love the colors. Good job buddy!
-- Lance
- on May 8, 2019
What a beautiful piece of artwork Ridge! I love the four seasons shown through your picture of trees! Winter~Spring~Summer~Fall You covered them all in an awesome fashion! Good job Ridge! Namaw loves you and your artwork too! :)
-- Carol
- on May 8, 2019
I love Ridge's artwork! I find it all sparks my imagination! This artwork makes me think a snowman was running along and ran into a wall causing him to see snow flake stars! When he looked in the mirror his carrot nose had slid onto his cheek and he liked it! So did his Namaw! Love Namaw
-- Carol
- on March 13, 2019
I really love your self portrait! Holy cow...it looks just like you! Every picture you create is so interesting and fun to see! Keep those pictures coming! Good job buddy! Love Namaw
-- Carol
- on January 9, 2019
Very nice work Ridge!! Nana loves all the artistic detail in your face drawing Sure looks like you! ????
-- Penny
- on January 9, 2019
Whoa! I thought the spider was real at first! Ahhhh! The spider web is awesome too! Good job Ridge! Keep your art coming because I really enjoy them all! Love Namaw
-- Carol
- on November 17, 2018
Your silly pumpkin is so silly! I love it! Great job Ridge! Love Namaw
-- Carol
- on November 17, 2018
Good job Ridge!! Keep up the good work!! Nana Will show Papa your artwork!! Love you!!
-- Penny
- on October 17, 2018
I really like this art project Ridge! It's so colorful and cool! I can tell you used your imagination! Good job Ridge!
-- Carol
- on October 10, 2018
Good job Ridge, maybe you can paint grandpa's and grammy's barn.
-- Grandpa
- on September 27, 2018
Good job Ridge , maybe u can come paint grandpa's and grammy's barn.
-- Jeff
- on September 27, 2018
Papa and Nana love your picture you drew of you and your art teacher!! Hope your having a great time at school learning lots of new things and meeting all kinds of new friends! Love you Ridge!!!!
-- Penny
- on September 12, 2018
I really love Ridge's artwork! I can't wait to ask all about what Ridge and Mrs. Walker was doing...he usually has a good story to go along with the drawing! I can't wait for the next drawing! Thank you!
-- Carol
- on September 10, 2018