Vinicia2's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Vinicia2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Vivi! I love the reflection you made of the sun on the ocean, and I love the the different colors you blended together on the sun itself.
-- Joanna
- on March 29, 2018
Nicely done Vivi. I like how the expressions match the occasion ;-). Good job!!
-- Lilya
- on February 7, 2018
Lets rock n roll!
-- Lilya
- on February 2, 2018
The #5 must be of significance to you. Is it your favorite Giants team #?
-- Lilya
- on February 2, 2018
-- Lilya
- on February 2, 2018
This is awesome. Again, great imagination and I just love your colors. Good job Vivi!!!
-- Lilya
- on February 2, 2018
Your colors on this piece are amazing. Such imagination, it's great!
-- Lilya
- on February 2, 2018
This is a very interesting piece. Nice work.
-- Lilya
- on February 2, 2018
Great job Vivi!! I love the colors, can’t wait to see more!
-- Nana
- on January 31, 2018