Maria9919's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Maria9919's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great relaxing picture. Nice soft color. Love you. Nonno e Nonna ??
- Nonno Gregory on July 5, 2023
Unbelievable, you're always creating art that's very very eye catching. Love it. Bold color, peaceful pose, something I'd love to hug. Terrific keep it up. Get some additional inspiration on your upcoming trip?? and have a great time. We love you??, have lots of fun. Ciao??. Nonno and Nonna??
- Nonno Gregory on July 5, 2023
Ciao bella, your art work just keeps amazing us. You have such a great ability to create art that is vivid and captivating. It's joyful for everyone looking at it. Keep up the good work. We love and miss you, Nonno & nonna
- Gregory on March 8, 2023
Wow, what great colors. Your creation this time continues to showcase your artistic talent. We love it, great job as usual. Very proud of you. We love you and can't wait to see you again????. Love you Nonno & Nonna
- Nonno Gregory on October 5, 2022
Congratulations again, another great piece of art. The boarder symbols and colors are great and your drawing is awesome. We love you can't wait to see you, ciao bella. Nonno e Nonna
- Gregory on May 24, 2021
Great circular theme and the well placed color combinations look great. We love your work. You always do a great job. Congratulations we love you, Nonno and Nonna
- Gregory on February 17, 2021
My beautiful Maria Teresa, your artwork continues to reflect your artistic abilities. Everything you create shows how skilled and able you are. You're maturing into a terrific and skilful artist. We love you, nonno snd nonna ????
- Gregory on February 10, 2021
Wow, that's a scary looking snake. It looks so real, great job. Keep up the good work, but don't scare me any more, ok? ha ha ha! Keep doing great art, very proud of you and your great art work. Love you, Nonno & Nonna
- Gregory on February 19, 2020
Maria Teresa, you keep blowing us away with your amazing artwork! We still can't believe that we have such a talented granddaughter and a pretty one to boot. I'm stunned by all your great artwork. The color combinations you create blend so nicely that the art work takes you were you want viewers to go, inside the painting. Your lines, colors and alaingment give your art lots of depth, making your work look three dimensional. Keep up the good work, stay positive, and never give up on your dreams. We love you, love the work you do and miss you very much. Nonno and Nonna ????
- Greg on January 8, 2020
Wow, wow, wow! Your artwork talent is just amazing. The details, colors and subject matter shows real advances in your ability to create great art. I'm just amazed at how good this piece looks I just want to hug you ant tell you how talented you are. This is great work and you should be very proud of of yourself and your abilities. I am very,very proud of you and all the works you've created. You're the best granddaughter a nonno could have. We love you and want to encourage you to continue excelling in about art work and all your school work. We know and wish you'll have great success in all you future goals. Nonno and Nonna
- Nonno Greg on December 14, 2019
Wow what beautiful colors you used, I can see and feel the hot and cold in the air. The hot reds and the cool blues and greens really stand out to represent temperature changes. As usual you crate beautiful art works that express your feelings and the themes you are representing. We're very proud of of you and all the art work you create and we love you very, very, much. Nonno and nonna
- on October 16, 2019
What a great painting with lots of things going on. Blue sky, trees, a cat with a bow , and on and on. Super imagination, super art creator. You've done a wonderful job with all your artwork this whole year and we've enjoyed viewing all of it. Great job, we love you, keep it up ???
-- Greg
- on May 29, 2019
Wow, I didn't know you went fishing, that's a great fish you caught. Oh, no no no, it's a painting! I can't believe how real it looks. Just like I told you before, you're a great artist. You always create great paintings and I love seeing them all, keep up the good work. I love you, nonno Gregory
-- Nonno Gregory
- on April 1, 2019
Beautiful, beautiful, just beautiful. You always create great art with lots of detail and wonderful colors. Congratulations on your great accomplishments. We love you and always look forward to seeing all your new art work. Keep it up! Nonno
-- Nonno Greg
- on February 14, 2019
Wow, what a great tree. Wish it was in our backyard so I could climb and play on it with you guys, lol. Can't tell which animal is next to it, could it be a cat? Doesn't matter, you do great work in art. Shows how talented you are. Great job, none of the art you created has ever disappointed us. We love you, keep up the great work.
-- Nonno Greg
- on February 14, 2019
I can't believe how much talent you have. Every piece of art you create is amazing and I'm certain all your other school work is just as great. We love you and miss you very very much. Love you always Nonno & Nonna
-- Nonno Greg
- on October 25, 2018
Wow, Wow! What a beautiful painting. I'm continually amazed by your wonderful talent. We're vary vary proud of you. Keep up the good work, we love you Nonno and Nonna. ??
-- Nonno Greg
- on October 11, 2018
What a great job, the snowman looks so real. You're an unbelievable artist, keep up the good work. We love you so much, Nonno e Nonna
-- Nonno Greg
- on April 4, 2018
I love it!!
-- GrandmaB
- on February 28, 2018
Beautiful!!! Keep up the good work!
-- grandma B
- on November 22, 2017
Love it!
-- grandma B
- on November 22, 2017
Wow, what a terrific butterfly. Great colors, looks like it's ready to take off and fly around your room to keep you company. Maria Teresa believe Nonno when he says you're a great artist, I new it when I watched you color and draw at home. You do great work, keep it up we'll see them all up close when we come visit. I love you, ciao Nonno ??
-- Nonno Gregory
- on November 22, 2017
Wow! I love It. You're so good with your art. I love where you put the tree and all the stars that shine with the yellow moon. Tha houses look terrific with their upstairs windows and colorful doors. You did an excellent job, you're a very good artist. I look forward to enjoying all your future artwork. I love you keep up the great work. Ciao, Nonno
-- Nonno Gregory
- on November 22, 2017