Ava20364's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Ava20364's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ava, your artwork is always so creative, but you are creative in everyway too. I love how you sing and how expressive you are when you are singing. Your artwork demonstrates that creativity that abides in you. I love this work of the cactus. You have highlighted it by placing the sunlight behind it. This makes it very important. All living things are very important for God has planned them out of his creative heart. He is creative too, just as you are. Love you always. Your Papa
- Papa on February 12, 2020
Ava, you are a talented artist. Papa and I love your artwork--all of your artwork. Thank you for sharing your work with others.
- Grammy on February 12, 2020
I like this creative drawing of the cardinal. I hope sometime you will be able to see this beautiful bird in the forest. Then you will remember that in the third grade you drew it. You are really learning a lot about art. Your teacher is doing a good job of teaching you about art. Love Papa
-- Papa Cliff
- on June 4, 2019
Flowers along the creek of flowing water is where they belong. Makes for a great place to have a picnic. We could throw a stick in the stream and follow it down to the sea, where all flowing water ends. Love, PAPA
-- Papa cliff
- on June 4, 2019
Beautiful design, creative, definitely yours in the way you bring out colors to complement each other. I love the the three streams of colors coming at me off the page. I maybe could walk down the middle steams into the jungle at the top of the drawing. love you much my little artist. Papa
-- Papa cliff
- on June 4, 2019
Looks like to whales looking for food, but maybe they are two gold fish looking for food. Like the orange color. If they are two whales, then I would not want to swim with them, but if they are two goldfish, hurrah, let me in the water. Love, Papa
-- Papa Cliff
- on June 4, 2019
Beautiful work, love the dots, makes for a creative work that goes beyond the ordinary. The ears look as if they have a fuzzball on top of them.
-- Papa Cliff
- on June 4, 2019
Your ability to draw beautiful pictures is amazing. I hope when summer comes you will show all of your work and explain the reasons you created them. Maybe then we can go out and have Ice cream together. And if you desire, I would like one of your pictures for my bedroom. Love you much my beautiful granddaughter.
-- Papa
- on June 4, 2019
You are a master artist. I love the way you use colors, very creative. Colors brighten up our lives. Right now I am looking at the river with all of the greens and blues, makes me feel peaceful. Your art work makes me feel full of energy. Also, your art reminds me of you, full of energy and excitement. Love you dearly! Papa
-- Papa
- on June 4, 2019
Dear Ava, We love your latest artwork. You are obviously very talented and we are very proud of you. We hope you continue doing art because your pictures are so great. Hope you can bring some home to display. We love you very much. Papa and Grammy
-- Papa and Grammy
- on June 4, 2019
Wow! You are an artist. The Bible tells us that God gives some people special talent in art. Well, you are one of them. Your cat is beautiful. I like the colors. The spots are so creative, and wow, the whiskers are just perfect. I hope you will give it to me so I can put in my bedroom, right next to Julia's picture. She drew a bird. Your cat will be staring at her bird, maybe getting reading to pounce on it. Love, Papa
-- Papa
- on June 4, 2019
Papa and I love your new artwork. It is so colorful and creative. You must feel very proud of what you have done. We love you!
-- Grammy
- on June 4, 2019
This looks really beautiful, Ava. I am sure you enjoyed making this artwork. I am happy I can see it online. Keep up the good work. You are very talented. We love you.
-- Grammy
- on June 4, 2019
I love the color on this pottery. What a great shape too, must have taken you a long time to make it.
-- Papa
- on June 4, 2019
The colors are exciting. Makes me happy for they are very bright.
-- Papa
- on January 3, 2018
You are a fantastic artist. I love the color of the fish. Fish that you would see in the ocean.
-- Papa
- on January 3, 2018
As I view Ava's artwork, I can imagine standing in a field of flowers with a breeze blowing. It is a lovely scene and Ava captured it so well. Fantastic work!
-- Grammy
- on January 3, 2018
Just amazing! I love this.
-- Dan
- on December 19, 2017
A true artist. I'm now hungry for fish!
-- Dan
- on December 19, 2017