Carter11291's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Carter11291's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Carter, This is a really colorful picture with all the colors of fall!!! You did a great job, you are such a great artist!!! We love you so much, Grandma and Grandpa
-- Richard and Kay
- on April 8, 2019
Carter, We just saw your self-portrait yesterday and it looks just like you!!! You did a great job, I think I’m going to order Grandpa and I two coffee mugs with your picture on them! We love you!!! Grandma and Grandpa
-- Richard and Kay
- on April 8, 2019
Carter, your vase of flowers is beautiful!!! Maybe you can teach me how to paint with such bright colors!!! We love you so much, Grandpa and Grandma.
-- Richard and Kay
- on April 8, 2019
Carter, you are an artist! Keep up the good work. I love all the colors. Nana
-- Nana
- on December 26, 2018
Carter, these are some of the best looking fish Grandpa and I have ever seen!!! We hope you and Daddy can catch some at the ranch when go fishing with Tripp and his Daddy!!! You are such a wonderful artist......we love the bright colors, love you, Grandma and Grandpa??????
-- Grandma
- on September 3, 2018
Carter, This is so interesting!!! You are becoming such a very very good artist! This must have taken a long time because of all the details. It looks like a space ship from outer space, great job!!!
-- Grandma and Grandpa
- on September 3, 2018
Carter, Wow, what an interesting and colorful picture! This picture reminds me of a video game! What do you think? If you name your pictures, that might be a good name to use! You are a really good artist!!! Keep up the good work??????
-- Grandma and Grandpa
- on September 3, 2018
Carter, I like all the different shapes you used in your latest picture!!! I think my favorite part is how light you made all of your colors!!! Grandma and Grandpa just love looking at all of your pictures!!! You are very very good!!! We love you??????
-- Grandma and Grandpa
- on September 3, 2018
Carter, Your published artwork is spectacular. The attention to detail, architectural angles, and keen sense of color, add to the uniqueness of this awesome piece. Gigi
-- Gigi
- on September 3, 2018
Carter, Grandpa and Grandpa have enjoyed looking at all of your wonderful and creative artwork?????? can't wait to see more???????? Love you so much, Grandpa and Grandma
-- Kay
- on September 3, 2018
I'm so proud of the artist you are becoming. Your cat is so detailed and beautiful just like mine.
-- Nana
- on November 15, 2017
Carter, We have enjoyed looking at all of your wonderful pictures!!! You are our favorite artist!!! Let us know when you have another painting or drawing for us to see!!! We love you so much, Grandpa and Grandma??????????????
-- Grandpa and Grandma
- on November 15, 2017
Carter, if I could have a blue cat this is just what I would want my cat to look like!!! Wouldn't that be fun! You are a very very good painter and I'm looking forward to seeing your next painting! I'm planning to hang all your paintings on the wall. Maybe you can help me find just the right place! In the meantime keep on painting for all your fans, love you, Grandma and Grandpa ???????????? I forgot to ask, does your painting have a name yet?
-- Kay
- on October 9, 2017