Jackson18181's Comments (46)

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Below are comments about Jackson18181's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Here is another one that reminds me of my painting class. i wish I was as good as you in using co,or
- Debbie on February 12, 2020
I love what you did with the paint and how you saw the creature in it and added the features. Very creative!
- Debbie on February 12, 2020
This one would actually be really cool if it were a real christmas tree ornament. Maybe some day you can use this picture and paint the design on a christmas tree ornament
- Debbie on February 12, 2020
I know you made this last year but I think of all the ones you have done this is my favorite. You know how much i love birds and you drew and colored your bird so beautifully and evenhave him perched on the edge of his nest
- Debbie on February 12, 2020
This one reminds me of paintings we do in my watercolor class. Debbie
- Debbie on February 12, 2020
I like this one because there is so much detail with the pattern on the mittens and the snowflakes Debbie
- Debbie on February 12, 2020
Jack, I love the colors you choose. Putting the white snowman on purple paper really made the snowman stand out. Keep up the good work Debbie
- Debbie on February 12, 2020
Jack, I love this picture. The snowman looks like it was made out of whipped cream and I love his unicorn nose...pretty fancy hat too! You are doing awesome and I can't wait to see you and your family on Saturday! Get ready for a BIG hug! Love, Grandma Marlene
- Marlene on January 29, 2020
Hi Jackson, I'm so happy to see your artwork! You continue to impress me with your nice bright colors. It makes me SOOO happy. Keep them coming OK? I love you, Grandma
- Marlene on November 27, 2019
Jack, I think you are TOTALLY AWESOME and so is your latest creation of Spring birds. What is the name of this bird? All I know is that if there were MORE pretty birds, that looked like the one you drew it would make our world a lot happier place. Your colors are bright and cheerful and made me very happy this morning. Thank you. I love you Jack, Grandma
-- Marlene
- on April 10, 2019
Hi Jackson...I get SOOOO excited when I receive an email telling me that there is your latest creation on line for me to view. I just want to tell you that I think this latest one inspired by Africa is AWESOME.....It must have taken quite a while to put all those white dots on. There is NO doubt about your creativity. I love you MORE than you can ever imagine. Keep your creations coming. Grandma
-- Marlene
- on March 27, 2019
Hi Jackson, How very cool is this latest creation of yours. I love it. Keep them coming. Can't wait to see you and your family on Saturday. We'll have some good fun! Try to get "green" today, OK? I know you can do it. Love you....Grandma
-- Marlene
- on March 13, 2019
Boy oh boy, Jack......Thanks for drawing a beautiful rainbow. I love it. Do you think there will be a pot of gold at the end of it? Love you, Grandma
-- Marlene
- on January 30, 2019
Hi Jack, I miss you. I really like your imagination. Is this guy sticking his tongue out or does he have a carrot in his mouth? Ha Ha Lots of bright colors again, which always makes me happy. Keep drawing. I love to see your creations. I love you, Grandma
-- Marlene
- on January 30, 2019
Hi Jack, You continue to shine with your imagination and colors in your artwork. I would bet that since they are pink that any girl/lady wishes they could have a real pair of those to wear on these cold winter days, don't you agree? I hope that you will do some drawings at home over your Christmas vacation from school. Maybe you will draw one especially for me. That would be really special. Love, Grandma
-- Marlene
- on December 26, 2018
WOW Jack...I just wish I had a tree in our yard that looked like your drawing. It is so nice and colorful and I'm sure everyone in the neighborhood would wish that they could have one just like your drawing too. AWESOM & COOL colors Jack. I love it. Keep them coming.. I love you Grandma Marlene
-- Marlene
- on December 12, 2018
Jack.....that pumpkin was really cool. It had more front teeth than you do right now. Ha Ha but don't worry.... your permanent front teeth are coming in quickly. Keep these drawings coming, Jack. I love each and every one of them. You are quite the artist and I love you to the moon and back. BIG hugs.....hope you get "green" level today or maybe even "pink". WOOHOOOO Grandma
-- Grandma Marlene
- on November 14, 2018
Jack - Just love your Pumpkin - hope he doesn't bite me - is he friendly or fierce? We just love hanging up what you make - we have to paint some more together. Love - Meem
-- Sheryl
- on November 14, 2018
Wow Jack - this is my favorite of all time. I just love it. You should help me make one at home sometime. You can be the teacher.
-- Meem
- on October 17, 2018
WOW.....Jackson....This is a GREAT scary MONSTER......but you know what? I'm not REALLY scared because I know it's ONLY a creation by you!! Ha Ha... AND once again those bright colors in the creations you make really make me happy. What will you create next???? I can hardly wait to see the next one. I love you.
-- Grandma Marlene
- on October 10, 2018
Hi Jack....it's Grandma and I just wanted to tell you how AWESOME your drawing of a Rocket looks. You did a TOTALLY FANTASTIC job. I can't wait to see your next drawing. You are doing GREAT!!! Jack, guess what? I love you!! :-)
-- Grandma Marlene
- on September 19, 2018
Hi Jackson.......you are truly AMAZING!!! You continue to shine like the sun with all of your works of art! I just love to see how you are continuing your imagination in your creations...Can't wait to see more. Love and hugs...
-- Grandma Marlene
- on June 20, 2018
Mommy was happy to get this as an apron too. I wonder if she wore it to make the cookies this weekend?
-- Meem
- on June 13, 2018
This made the best apron for Mommy on Mother's Day - she was really surprised.
-- Meem
- on June 13, 2018
I bet he will be the best inventor ever
-- Meem
- on June 13, 2018
Hey Jack, I love that. It's making me VERY hungry, just looking at it. Yummy... Keep sending your art masterpieces Jack....I REALLY love them SOOOO much. It was such fun playing hide and seek with you last weekend and all of us having lunch together. Always remember I love you and can't wait to see you this coming Saturday at Auntie Kim and Uncle Paul's house for BBQ. Big hugs and lots of kisses. XOXOXOXOXOXO Grandma Marlene
-- Marlene
- on May 30, 2018
Jack I am so impressed with how well you draw hands. Hands are very hard to draw. You are becoming sucha great artist.
-- Debbie
- on May 9, 2018
Your artwork is so beautiful - I love the color of your flowers - is your hand giving a flower to Mom? You did a great job
-- Meem
- on May 2, 2018
I love all of your hard work buddy. Keep up.
-- Daddy
- on April 25, 2018
Hi Jack.....Another masterpiece. Keep drawing...I love to see you put your imagination to work. Your daddy was a very talented drawer also when he was a little boy. You may have inherited that gift from him! I love to see the messages in my email box that there is another of your creations posted for me to view. Keep them coming, please. I love you.
-- Grandma Marlene
- on April 25, 2018
Hi Jack, TOTALLY AWESOME..GREAT JOB...AGAIN THOSE NICE BRIGHT COLORS....HEY...know what??? This one would be a perfect one to give Mommy for Mother's Day which will be coming up on Sunday, May 13th. Think about it. Your talent for drawing increases VERY MUCH with each new picture that is posted. I can't wait to see your next creation. I love you.
-- Grandma Marlene
- on April 18, 2018
Wow Jackson.....you have done it again. What a so cool picture this is. I love your imagination. You are growing like crazy....and becoming a true artist. Again, there are the nice bright colors I so love in all the pictures you draw. Keep them coming, OK? I love you.
-- Grandma Marlene
- on April 5, 2018
Hi Jackson....I love your latest drawing. OF COURSE, I'm sure you realize that I say that about all of your drawings. But I would never lie to you so you can be sure I truly do love your artwork. Your colors and imagination are SO COOL! Now I will know who to call to get directions when I need them. You can draw me a map!! How's that? Sending you HUGE hugs and MUCH love. You are doing REALLY GREAT!
-- Grandma Marlene
- on March 28, 2018
WOW - where are to traveling to with your map - I think you should take Hollywood or Delilah with you - they can carry your supplies.
-- Meme
- on March 28, 2018
Jack - I just LOVE your dragon. What sharp teeth he has. Is he getting points for eating? Love you -
-- Meme
- on February 14, 2018
Hi Jackson, That sure is a scary drawing of a dragon!!!! I know I don't want that dragon to come near me!!! But I do have to tell you I like very much the bright and colorful creations you make. I hope that you will continue to keep sending them to me. You are a very "COOL" grandson and I am so glad you are in our family. Always remember, I love you.
-- Grandma Marlene
- on February 14, 2018
I love your latest drawing, just in time for Valentine's Day!! With every new picture you are developing more skills and your images are sharp and clear. GREAT JOB! Keep them coming. Hope to see you soon. I bet you are liking all the snow we are getting. Keep warm! Always remember that I love you. Don't forget :-)
-- Grandma Marlene
- on February 14, 2018
Jackson, I love your newest "Heart" drawing. You are REALLY becoming a true artist. I think your creations are awesome, colorful, and VERY special, just like YOU! I love you.
-- Grandma Marlene
- on January 31, 2018
Hi Jackson, I love how you use such bright colors in your pictures. It makes me so happy to see such pretty colors. I was wondering if maybe because it has 2018 on it, if you saw some fireworks shows and maybe that was what you wanted to draw. No matter, I just want you to know how I love to see your creations because they always make me happy. You are AWESOME just like your drawings. I love you Jack. Saying thank you and sending you BIG hugs!
-- Grandma Marlene
- on January 17, 2018
Jackson, you amaze me every time I see your latest artwork posted. You are so talented and I hope that you will continue because I believe that one day when you get older, you will become a famous artist. I have already been telling everyone I know how well you draw and that you have a GREAT imagination. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see more. I love you Jack....
-- Marlene
- on January 17, 2018
I just love your tentacle pizza. I think we should make it! Yum.
-- Mimi
- on January 17, 2018
Hi Jackson, Boy that sure is a scary looking bear! I hope you will keep drawing because I REALLY look forward to seeing your newest creations. Keep them coming. Guess what Jack....I love you. :-) Grandma Marlene
-- Marlene
- on December 13, 2017
Hi Jackson, I REALLY like your Rainbow Christmas Tree...it is AWESOME...JUST LIKE YOU.
-- Grandma Marlene
- on December 6, 2017
Wow Jack you’re doing awesome with your artwork. Wish you’d done it at my house ??
-- Debbie
- on December 6, 2017
Hi Jackson....I REALLY love your rainbow Christmas Tree.
-- Marlene
- on December 6, 2017
Jackson....I REALLY love your art work and can't wait to see more.
-- Grandma Marlene
- on November 22, 2017