Abigail20297's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Abigail20297's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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In Flander's Field the poppies blow unaware of trouble below. They turns their heads to the sky, towards the larks flying high.
- Grandma Ette on November 20, 2019
Abby made them, 1 - 2 - 3. They're as lovely as can be. Just like Abby, pretty and sweet, they'll make you smile: 1 - 2 - 3! when she give you one to see. One for you and one for me. One for someone Abby loves, and if she finds you - to let them know how much they're loved.
-- Grandma Ette
- on November 20, 2019
Flowers rejoice in the warmth of the Spring, as the bugs and bunnies play on the green. The butterflies are busy as bees, playing all day in the sweet Spring breeze. But when the stars come out to play, all creation stops to gaze. And for a while in silent adoration, they praise God's majestic creation.
-- Grandma Ette
- on November 20, 2019
Babies are special to all Moms and Dads. They grow in our heart and make parents glad. So once they are born they come wrapped up in love, because each ting Baby is a gift from above.
-- Grandma Ette
- on November 20, 2019
FLY! When God sends a wind - FLY! Only God knows where He will take you - but it's sure to be a beautiful flight and landing. Have faith - and fly!
-- Grandma Ette
- on February 6, 2019
Who - ME? I don't know who ate the chocolate cake.
-- Grandma Ette
- on February 6, 2019
Oh no, I'm trapped behind this "E", it fell right on top of me. I'm hungry for my next meal, I hope someone hears my SQU-EEEEEEEE-l!
-- Grandma Ette
- on February 6, 2019
I'm living in a world of snow: a snowman's paradise. And when the snow settles overnight, Abigail sends it back to my sky. I'm happinest when Abigail plays with me; her imagination sets me free. We dream together of a day where the falling snow is a crystal ballet.
-- Grandma Ette
- on February 6, 2019
I am a king with a fancy crown. I guard Princess Abigail when she's lying down. My eyes are big so I and can see at night and scare away those nasty mice. My suit is colorful and quite fancy, and my boots are very tall and prancy. If Princess Abigail feeds me nuts, my teeth are strong to crack them up.
-- Grandma Ette
- on February 6, 2019
Love is like a butterfly, As soft and gentle as a sigh. The multicolored moods of love are like its satin wings. Love makes your heart feel strange inside, It flutters like soft wings in flight. Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing
-- Grandma Ette
- on February 6, 2019
Turkeys feathers are glorious, and Robins sing real pretty, but the eagle is victorious as the first bird of the land.
-- Grandma Ette
- on November 28, 2018
I waddle you to know that everywhere I go I fan my feathers just to show how very much God loves you so! God helped me make each lovely one to remind you when Thanksgiving comes, to count your blessings one by one, every day come rain or sun.
-- Grandma Ette
- on November 28, 2018
Who, Who, Who? Who threw that cheese ball at me while I was sleeping quietly? Who also now cannot sleep while I loudly echo in the deep: Who Whooo, Whoooo?
-- Grandma Ette
- on November 28, 2018
You look so yummy Mr. Bug, laying there on my silken rug. But I'll let you keep on living, if you'll return for Thanksgiving!
-- Ette
- on October 24, 2018
Home sweet home, even up high. Fun picture.
-- James
- on October 16, 2018
A cute chick that just can't wait for Easter.
-- James
- on October 16, 2018
Snowmen are good at snowball fights.
-- James
- on October 16, 2018
This is a good place for the armadillo to stay - out of the way of the school bus.
-- James
- on October 16, 2018
All through the town, the wheels move the bus, and the bus brings my friends to school. Great looking bus.
-- James
- on October 16, 2018
This must be one happy fish, with so many colors.
-- James
- on October 16, 2018
Rudolf the red nose reindeer had a very warm green shawl and if you ever saw him, you'd laugh at his parasol. All of the other reindeers got cold and wet on stormy nights, but Rudolf the red nosed reindeer was warm and dry on every flight.
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 7, 2018
Cupid has an arrow, but he misses sometimes. The LOVE BUG simply holds sign that says: BEE MINE!
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 7, 2018
How do you know when to pick a pumpkin? When it's just the right size for your wagon. Now - who is going to pull that heavy wagon load of pumpkin?
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 7, 2018
When cold snow falls all about, the sun in my soul warms me inside out. When I'm surrounded by a dark purple night, the sunlight in my heart supplies the light. When snow cover the ground at my feet, a cloud wraps my branches in heat. I'm Abby's tree as you can see, God takes good care of Abby and me.
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 16, 2018
Watch out below my leaves are falling and soon will blow away. But I'll stay near, year after year, to share the sunny days.
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 16, 2018
There are so many fish in the sea, but none as pretty as Abby G.
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 7, 2018
Tumble bumble bee ate too much nectar from the tree. His wings weren't big enough to help him fly so now he must bounce back to the hive.
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 7, 2018
Triangles like to dress up for Halloween too! Larry and Sherry triangles make that point in their scary hairy cat costume. Me-ooooooow!
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 7, 2018
Smart Mr. Lizard. He has camouflaged himself to match a very colorful Fall leaf he is hiding under. You can tell by the look on his face that he is staying very still - not even blinking. He's such a pretty lizard. I'm so glad all of him fit on the page -even if he had to curl up his tail to make room for his long wonderful tongue.
-- Grandma Ette
- on October 7, 2018
I like this pumpkin a lot! It's pleased to be a pumpkin with a look all its own - a special pumpkin. It's also very excited as its leans just enough to start an adventurous "roll" down the hill! "Get ready, get set, here comes the world's happiest pumpkin! Now that's a story to glow about!"
-- Ette
- on October 7, 2018