Oakley194's Comments (64)

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Below are comments about Oakley194's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That is certainly one very special looking diamond. Each side has its own unique pattern and stile. Great artwork!
- Grandpa Ken on May 22, 2024 NEW
I can see a multitude of designs in the piece of art and I really like the many colors you choose to highlight the picture. Once more a great job!
- Grandpa Ken on May 8, 2024
I think your looking up at these multistoried stores to see the one you came to enter. Great job of creating the view. Keep up the terrific artwork.
- Grandpa Ken on May 8, 2024
Hey, they look like some very tasty doughnuts. I had no idea you knew how to make doughnuts. Great job once more.
- Grandpa Ken on May 7, 2024
Very creative scene a young fellow with his pet standing looking up among the skyscrapers in a very large city perhaps New York. Great artwork keep it up.
- Grandpa Ken on May 7, 2024
Very nice art work a ladder that never ends. Great job keep it up.
- Grandpa Ken on April 10, 2024
Wow that seems to me it would be quite a challenge to create that piece of art. You done a very good job so keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what you do next.
- Grandpa Ken on April 10, 2024
I had to learn what it represents in order to tell what a good job you done. A fine piece of art keep up the good work.
- Grandpa Ken on April 10, 2024
Wow the carrot sure stands tall on on its friend the melon while the pretchel tickles its nose. Hey Oakley another great piece of art. Well done!
- Grandpa Ken on May 1, 2023
That is beautiful solar system you have created and drawn. I am looking very hard to see all the things you want us to see. Another great art work! Keep up the wonderful work!
- Grandpa Ken on April 5, 2023
That’s really a cool snowman!! You can tell that he’s really happy because he keeps his head above the clouds! I really like it!
- Grandma on January 11, 2023
That is a fine-looking snowman you have constructed with his button eyes and magic hat. He is surrounded by deep fluffy snow as well. Great job once more.
- Grandpa Ken on January 5, 2023
That is really a fantastic piece of artwork you have created. The letters are very bold and stand out. I think you choose just the right colors as well. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see what you do next.
- Grandpa Ken on December 8, 2022
Wow that is one jolly looking turkey. Is his name Turkey Lurkey? Great job! Can't wait to see what you do next.
- Grandpa Ken on November 30, 2022
Very nice job of painting the mug and I really like the unique color you chose. You gave your special touch I believe. Can't wait to see your next artwork.
- Grandpa Ken on November 30, 2022
Those are some fancy windows as well as the door. You also got flowers out front nice work. You done a great job on it. Keep it up!
- Grandpa Ken on October 5, 2022
What a great gathering of many many types of figures and colors. Super piece of artwork! Keep up the great work I love it.
- Grandpa Ken on April 21, 2022
What a great drawing of an old west town because you have the old board walk, hitching rail, cowboy and his dog, old farm in the background and the church with its cross plus more. It's very easy to see it's an old west town. Very good job so keep it up.
- Kenneth on March 9, 2022
What a super idea. The decorating and making it so you can hang it on the Christmas tree or wherever give's a whole new use to that bulb. I really like it. Great Job!
- Kenneth on January 19, 2022
Hey Im sure that took a lot of time and work putting all those layers and color designs together to make that cool container. As always great work. Keep it up!
- Kenneth on November 3, 2021
I love how you created each wide line of different colors with small shorter lines. Also at the same time created an image in the back ground. Terrific job once more keep up the great work.
- Grandpa Ken on March 24, 2021
That is one fine looking insect. I am sure it took a lot of time to put all that detale into your picture. Another great picture. Great job!
- Kenneth on March 24, 2021
hey Oakley nice job. It sure is nice to see very nice sunflower on these cold days. You keep up the great work.
- Kenneth on February 17, 2021
Great heart art Oakley. I understand you are honoring the artist Jim Dine. Great work!
- Kenneth on February 17, 2021
I really like the fact you actually made this snowman. I have learned his name is Junior what a great name. He is a fine looking snowman with his fancy coat. Great work Oakley!
- Kenneth on February 17, 2021
What a fine group of houses. I bet people would sure like to live there. What a great idea. Keep up the great work!
- Kenneth on January 13, 2021
I just love your artwork, Oakley!
- Carmen (Mother) on December 22, 2020
Hey that is one spooky picture I think anyway.I love that big old tree and that hoot owl watching over things under the full moon.Keep up the great work
- Grandpa Ken on November 18, 2020
Great job! I think he could be on a mystery show don't you? I love it what an idea!
- Grandpa Ken on May 6, 2020
Oh my my my what a very delicious and outstanding looking rabbit you have created. Your art continues to get better every time. Outstanding job.
- Grandpa Ken on April 29, 2020
Oh what a happy looking family you have. I can also see your puppy and a very colorful rainbow. Another very nice piece of art. Great job!
- Kenneth on April 29, 2020
You certainly done a great job of coloring him to make him look real. The back ground is colored great as to were a fox would set watching for his prey. Great job!
- Grandpa Ken on April 1, 2020
This to me looks like a very nice family out for a walk under the stars. Great idea and another very good job. Way to go Oakley!
- Grandpa Ken on April 1, 2020
That is a great drawing and super detail on each part of you picture Oakley. Great job!
- Grandpa Ken on April 1, 2020
This is another great picture. I sure hope those two can be friends. Keep up the good work.
- Grandpa Ken on February 12, 2020
Oakley, I love this! I don't think you ever brought it home, but I'd love to frame it and hang it up! Love you!
-- Mom
- on May 22, 2019
That is a very colorful owl. Wouldn't it fun to see them flying around. Great job!
-- Gandpa Ken
- on May 22, 2019
And all together you make one great family! I love you all!
-- Grandma
- on March 27, 2019
I love Oakley! I love your smile in this picture! That's how I always picture you!
-- Grandma
- on March 27, 2019
I love to watch you play with your friends and to see you happy! Zach is a great friend!
-- Grandma
- on March 27, 2019
Oakley! This picture has so much happiness in it! I love the rainbow and all the colors and I love hearts! They make me think of love. And I love YOU and I love your work! Keep it up!
-- Grandma
- on March 27, 2019
That is a beautiful bunch of flowers I really like all the colors and kinds of flowers. As always keep on making great pictures.
-- Grandpa Ken
- on February 20, 2019
Hey Oakley I got to see your latest art work and it is so festive. You keep up the great work. I can not wait to see what comes next.
-- Grandpa Ken
- on January 3, 2019
Great work again this time. It makes me think of Christmas snow how about you. I love it so keep on making great works of art.
-- Grandpa Ken
- on November 26, 2018
This snowman sure looks handsome on the fridge! I love the 3D effect of this little guy. I can't wait to build a snowman with you, Oakley! <3 Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on November 14, 2018
It looks like you have a lot of fun in art class because you get to do some very nice pictures and things. I can understand why it is your favorite. I hope you keep doing the great art work that you do.
-- Grandpa Ken
- on November 14, 2018
Oakley, I’d love to take you to Arizona with me some day! We could see the Grand Canyon and ride the Route 66 train together. Do you suppose we’d get to see Lightning McQueen along the route?! We would have riding all together like in your picture! You know how to take a family vacation! I love your picture! Keep up the great work!
-- Grandma
- on November 7, 2018
This is another fantastic picture. You and all of your family going on a trip to Arizona in your suv. It sure would be fun for you. Great job!
-- Grandpa Ken
- on November 7, 2018
The circle with the black dots really sticks out! Black is my favorite color! :) Love you!
-- Mom
- on October 25, 2018
Grandpa can tell your art has a super hero and lightning McQueen racing theme to it. I love it as always. Great JOB!
-- Grandpa Ken
- on October 3, 2018
Oakley, I love the color choices that you used in your masterpiece! I especially like the middle one in the bottom row. You know why? It reminds me of watermelon and I love watermelon! The one to the right of that one looks like a turtle. I really enjoyed this artwork a lot! Keep up the great work!
-- Joni
- on October 3, 2018
Great work Oakley I know there is a great story to go with these fine painted stones can't wait to hear it and see your next art work. Super job!
-- Grandpa Ken
- on September 17, 2018
Hey Grandpa would love to eat cereal out of that bowl. look at all the neat colors. Keep up the great work.
-- Grandpa Ken
- on May 30, 2018
Cool bowl buddy. Love ya!!!
-- Cody
- on May 23, 2018
I really like your trees of many colors. They would make such a beautiful forest. You keep up the great work Oakley.
-- Grandpa Ken
- on January 25, 2018
I absolutely LOVE this Christmas tree, Oakley! The snow falling down is so magical! Love you so much, Mr. Bear!
-- Mom
- on December 13, 2017
That's a warm looking mitten! I think "95" is going to need that to stay warm and go fast! It looks like you have McQueen right in the palm of your hand to get you wherever you need to go!
-- Grandma
- on December 13, 2017
Oakley I definitely know that is your mitten because it is warm and nice to carry Lightning McQueen when it cold out side. I wish I had a pair just like it.
-- Kenneth
- on December 13, 2017
I sure hope it doesn't try to hug me because it looks like a big monster to me. Great job Oakley!
-- Grandpa Ken
- on December 13, 2017
I love everything about you, Oakley! You are a great kid!
-- Grandma
- on November 26, 2017
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Oakley Eugene! I love it!
-- Grandma
- on November 26, 2017
What a nice pumpkin patch. Colorful but yet a little spooky. Great job!
-- Kenneth
- on October 31, 2017
Oakley, you can do anything! Never give up on reaching for the moon and the stars!
-- Grandma
- on October 31, 2017
What a great idea a ladder to the moon Wouldn't it be great to touch it?
-- Kenneth
- on September 27, 2017