Aubree1231's Comments (102)

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Below are comments about Aubree1231's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey, you did a really good job on this project!
- Joshua on December 14, 2020
Good job Aubree!
- Rene on December 14, 2020
Awesome Aubree Marie Shields!
- Kelly on December 14, 2020
Your art project is nice!
- Rene on December 14, 2020
Nice art Aubree Marie, can we put m&m's in that bowl?
- Kelly on December 14, 2020
I didn't even know there is Japanese printing. Pretty awesome!
- Kelly on December 14, 2020
You do such good work!
- Rene on December 14, 2020
Your clay coil bowl is awesome!
- Josh on December 14, 2020
This is so cool!
- Josh on December 14, 2020
The colors you used for the sky look perfect. Great job!
- Kelly on November 4, 2020
This is cool. I like the way you made your trees.
- Rene on November 4, 2020
Excellent work!
- Josh on November 4, 2020
I like your purple pumpkin with dots. You are doing a great job!
- Rene on October 5, 2020
This looks like it was fun to do. Nice job!!!
- Josh on October 5, 2020
You get better every year that you have art. Good work Aubree Marie!
- Kelly on October 5, 2020
Looks like you do a great job with pastels. Looks real good!
- Kelly on October 5, 2020
I like this. Are their Aliens on your spaceship?
- Rene on October 5, 2020
Pretty cool looking spaceship!
- Josh on October 5, 2020
I'm glad your bug is smiling. The colors you used look good.
- Josh on September 30, 2020
You are doing great in art class.
- Rene on September 30, 2020
This is an awesome bug! Your artwork is great!
- Kelly on September 30, 2020
This is a wonderful looking bug!
- Josh on September 30, 2020
Great job on Copper and Nala. You are an artist!
- kelly on March 3, 2020
Good job at doing pottery.
- Kelly on March 3, 2020
This monster is cool looking.
- Rene on March 3, 2020
Very nice picture. I always liked watercolors.
- Kelly on March 3, 2020
I made stuff with popsicle sticks when I was your age. It looks perfect.
- Kelly on March 3, 2020
I like this. Gray is a good color.
- Rene on March 3, 2020
Pretty neat and it looks easy to make. I want one.
- Kelly on March 3, 2020
I need one of these. Great job!
- Rene on March 3, 2020
I like this. Can you make me one?
- Josh on March 3, 2020
What a great job?
- Kelly on January 15, 2020
This is a great picture of the flag, almost looks real.
- Kelly on January 15, 2020
Aubree Marie, you are an amazing artist!
- Kelly on January 15, 2020
Excellent job on your robot!
- Rene on January 15, 2020
Keep up the awesome artwork!
- Rene on January 15, 2020
- Josh on January 15, 2020
A yellow robot, so creative!
- Josh on January 15, 2020
All the colors of the flag, beautiful artwork!
- Josh on January 15, 2020
This is a very good job. Perfect!
- Rene on January 15, 2020
Another great job well done!
- Kelly on October 16, 2019
Hey Aubree, this is cool!
- Josh on October 16, 2019
Great job again!
- Rene on October 16, 2019
This is so cool. Amazing work Aubree Marie!
- Kelly on September 29, 2019
I really like this artwork!
- Rene on September 29, 2019
Your artwork is awesome!
- Josh on September 29, 2019
This is cool Aubree. Great job!
- on September 29, 2019
You do great in art!
- on September 29, 2019
Hey, this looks like a real treasure map. It's pretty cool. I like it.
- on September 29, 2019
Good good on cutting this out. Perfect!
- on September 29, 2019
Excellent! I am so proud of you!
- on September 29, 2019
Wow! Aubree Marie this is neat. I like.
- on September 29, 2019
These look like pastel colors. It is a really cool picture.
-- Rene
- on May 5, 2019
Awww, this is a great picture!
-- Kelly
- on May 5, 2019
Aubree this is beautiful. It has some of my favorite colors.
-- Kelly
- on May 5, 2019
Really good work Aubree. I am proud of you!
-- Rene
- on May 5, 2019
Grandpa likes this kite. You are an artist!
-- Rene
- on May 5, 2019
This kite is neat. Good job Aubree Marie!
-- Kelly
- on May 5, 2019
Nice looking long neck giraffe. It's very colorful. Grandpa likes this picture. Good job!
-- Rene
- on February 27, 2019
This giraffe is looking good Aubree Marie. I hope you bring this to my house to put on my refrigerator.
-- Kelly
- on February 27, 2019
Grandpa loves this picture. The cloud and sun have a smile like yours.
-- Rene
- on February 27, 2019
Beautiful rainbow. I love this picture. You do good work
-- kelly
- on February 27, 2019
All my favorite colors, really nice work.
-- Rene
- on February 27, 2019
Great looking picture. This is another one of my favorites.
-- Kelly
- on February 27, 2019
Very cool, great job!
-- Kelly
- on February 10, 2019
Very creative, I like it!
-- Kelly
- on February 10, 2019
This looks great!
-- Rene
- on February 10, 2019
Nice work Aubree.
-- Rene
- on February 10, 2019
Great artwork on the positive and negative space.
-- Rene
- on February 10, 2019
This looks really neat.Good job!
-- Rene
- on February 10, 2019
This is a very colorful picture. I like it.
-- Kelly
- on February 10, 2019
That monster looks happy. You did a very good job on drawing him.
-- Rene
- on December 17, 2018
This is very colorful. Do you like corn?
-- Rene
- on December 17, 2018
I didn't know you could make a tree out of a paper sack. It looks spectacular.
-- Kelly
- on December 17, 2018
You are my number 1 artist. Great drawing!
-- Kelly
- on December 17, 2018
I like this picture!
-- Kelly
- on December 17, 2018
I like your picture, but I do not like spiders.
-- Kelly
- on December 17, 2018
I like purple, she looks warm. Good job Aubree!
-- Rene
- on December 17, 2018
Nice job on the spider, but I don't like spiders, do you?
-- Rene
- on December 17, 2018
That is really neat!
-- Rene
- on December 17, 2018
Nice job
-- Kelly
- on December 17, 2018
A lot of red and black. I like it!
-- Kelly
- on October 3, 2018
Very colorful! Good Job!
-- Kelly
- on October 3, 2018
You did a good job on all the different line!
-- rene
- on April 25, 2018
I bet you had fun doing this. I like it.
-- rene
- on April 25, 2018
I do like the patterns you have in this artwork. Looks great!
-- kelly
- on April 25, 2018
Hey, this looks great!
-- kelly
- on April 25, 2018
Great job on the numbers!
-- kelly
- on April 25, 2018
Very good work, you are an artist!
-- Rene
- on April 25, 2018
Very pretty background. Good job cutting out the bunny!
-- kelly
- on April 11, 2018
Grandpa says you look like a movie star. Very nice!
-- kelly
- on April 11, 2018
This looks really hard to do but you did a fantastic job. Way to go girl!
-- kelly
- on March 17, 2018
Super terrific job on the ice skate!
-- kelly
- on March 17, 2018
This is really neat!Another great job! Keep up the good work!
-- kelly
- on March 17, 2018
Very colorful painting. This is another one of my favorites.
-- Kelly
- on February 14, 2018
This is an awesome piece of artwork. Good job!
-- Kelly
- on February 14, 2018
Is that one of Santa's reindeer? Your artist, good work!
-- kelly
- on December 19, 2017
Good job on the gingerbread house. I like it!
-- kelly
- on December 19, 2017
Keep up the good work. This picture is awesome!
-- Kelly
- on December 19, 2017
This is very colorful. good job!
-- Kelly
- on December 4, 2017
I really like this one! Good job Aubree!
-- Kelly
- on November 28, 2017
Very colorful and pretty. Good job!
-- Kelly
- on November 16, 2017