Kylie8747's Comments (48)

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Below are comments about Kylie8747's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kylie, I did not know you could draw cartoons. Great job as always.
- Barbara on May 19, 2021
Boy Kylie, that is a tangled mess. You did such a good job shading this. I would have gotten lost trying to weave in, through, around, under! You amaze me!
- Barbara on April 11, 2021
Interesting use of shapes and color in design. Good job Kylie.
- Barbara on March 24, 2021
Great job Kylie!??
- Barbara on March 9, 2021
Kylie this picture made me smile because I imagine it to be the road to my house. It’s lovely and very special. Your creative energy knows no bounds. Very nice work.
- Barbara on March 9, 2021
Wow. What a cool concept. The world inside a jar. You did a great job with technique. Always proud of you and your work. ??
- Barbara on March 9, 2021
Love this thoughtful design. I can tell you worked hard to create it. You are so diligent and I love that about you. I love your picture.??
- Barbara on March 9, 2021
Kylie, these Christmas balls are beautiful. You did a great job with color variations and high lights and zen doodle. Perfect. ??
- Barbara on March 9, 2021
Great art work Kylie. So proud of you.
- Barbara on March 9, 2021
Kylie, you cakes look divine!
- Barbara on March 9, 2021
Fifi is quite a Fox! Wonder where he got that hat. You are so creative and so kind.
- Barbara on March 9, 2021
Boo Kylie, I love your scary picture. It looks really complicated with the 3 D parts but just like always, you made it happen. I really like it.??
- Barbara on November 6, 2019
Kylie, this is a delightful picture and you are a delightful artist.
- Barbara on October 23, 2019
Kylie, this picture is really interesting. I couldn’t find your comment about it. It’s great. Just like you!
- Barbara on October 23, 2019
Kylie this is so cool. It looks like crochet and I’m not sure I can figure out how you did it. You are so creative. ??
- Barbara on October 9, 2019
Kylie, this is so good. The colors are beautiful and you have certainly mastered the art of zen tangle. So proud of you.
- on October 2, 2019
What can this be? Flying fish and flying people? Very creative Kylie. Gave me a lot to ponder.
-- Barbara
- on May 1, 2019
This is one of my favorites of all you have done because of the elements of home and nature and the wonder of traveling unfamiliar roads to new destinations. Great job Kylie.
-- Barbara
- on May 1, 2019
That is a great big-eyed rabbit. You do such great work and you bring so much joy! Keep being YOU, creative and joyful.
-- Barbara
- on May 1, 2019
I don’t know how I missed seeing these trees. They are beautiful and made me want to walk inside the picture. You should frame it and add the Robert Frost poem about stopping by the woods on a winters day. That would be very inspirational and peaceful.
-- Barbara
- on March 15, 2019
Did you use zen tangle in this picture. I love what you did. You are amazing.
-- Barbara
- on March 15, 2019
You used so many different techniques to create this great picture. I love the color wash that made it all come together. You are so creative!
-- Barbara
- on March 15, 2019
This is just lovely K. Very creative and whimsical. Great job!
-- Barbara
- on January 30, 2019
Kylie, this art really reminds me of you. Like the snow flake you are one of a kind and so beautiful. You did such a good job on this picture.
-- Barbara
- on January 16, 2019
Wow Kylie, you are so creative and also funny. You are one of my favorite people.
-- Barbara
- on December 12, 2018
This turkey makes me anxious for Thanksgiving. Great job. I like the use of zentangle. Very creative.
-- Barbara
- on November 21, 2018
The colors in this picture are so beautiful. It reminds me of a dream state. You do great work Ky.
-- Barbara
- on November 21, 2018
What?? A skull in beautiful colors. You have such a great imagination. Very nice picture.
-- Barbara
- on October 26, 2018
Well Ky, that squirrel was responsible for the Mississippi Revival. He deserves a little respect. You did a great job. He is pretty funny with those big eyes.
-- Barbara
- on October 26, 2018
Great job Kylie. You are a shoo-in for best kid artist I know.??
-- Barbara
- on September 26, 2018
I love the silhouettes and the lovely colors you used in the background. You do amazing work!! And by the way, BOO!
-- Barbara
- on September 26, 2018
Ky Ky - I think this may be your best work ever. keep creating, sweet girl. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
-- denise
- on September 7, 2018
These sunflowers are beautiful. They have bright sunny faces and bring joy to those who look at them just like you! You are amazing!!
-- Barbara
- on September 7, 2018
These bubbles look so real! Good for you for using oily pastels. They are hard to use and you did a great job. So proud of you!
-- Barbara
- on September 5, 2018
Kylie, this is so pretty. You did a really good job. When we create beauty, we reveal the beauty that lives within us.
-- Barbara
- on May 31, 2018
Kylie Sue, this a beautiful. Good job!
-- Barbara
- on May 9, 2018
Kylie - this is sooooo amazing! you certainly have a gift. and I love you.
-- denise
- on May 8, 2018
Kylie, your umbrella is so creative. I love the folded paper. Please share with me how you did this.
-- Barbara
- on May 8, 2018
rain rain go away. little Kylie wants to play. Here comes the sun, little darling. I love you.
-- denise
- on April 24, 2018
What a fun picture! I love that it looks like a quilt. Very whimsical and thoughtful. You are so good at art!
-- Barbara
- on March 7, 2018
Kylie this is so beautiful. I am ordering a mug so I will always have this wonderful picture. You did an amazing job.
-- Barbara
- on January 31, 2018
This totally needs to go on the dining room art wall
-- Denise
- on January 31, 2018
Kylie, your angel is very nice. I noticed you used a lot of different colors and designs which make this work very interesting to look at. Your choices reflect a creative talent. So proud of you.
-- barbara
- on January 24, 2018
Kylie, these ornaments are beautiful and they look real. You are such a good artist.
-- Barbara
- on December 6, 2017
I couldn't leave this little thing without a comment. Very cute! Love, Mimi
-- Mimi
- on November 15, 2017
I must have this one because it is so colorful! Love, Mimi
-- Mimi
- on November 15, 2017
I think this would look great in my pink bathroom! Love, Mimi
-- Mimi
- on November 15, 2017
Kylie, this is one of your best paintings so far. Vincent was my favotie artist when I was in school. You did a great job and you just get better every day.
-- Barbara
- on November 1, 2017