Cole12710's Comments (47)

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Below are comments about Cole12710's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Cole! I love your picture it makes me think of SPRING, green grass , dogs playing, sun shining an warm weather! Fun times outside.
- Auntie Ann on May 10, 2023
Cole, I really like the combination of purple and yellow with the different shapes. Nice job.
- Judy on April 12, 2023
Good job Cole, I love the purple and yellow blocking and find the patterns really satisfying to look at!
- Joy (Mother) on April 4, 2023
I like the colors used in this piece, Cole.
- Grandma Judy on October 12, 2022
This looks like a very friendly llama to me! Good job Cole!
- Grandma Sam on November 29, 2021
Cole-How fun! My friends and I made this when I was in 3rd grade too! I loved playing with this. Great job!
- Grandma Sam on May 12, 2021
I agree with you that it is a little weird, Cole. But after reading your description of it, I could totally see the concept. I wonder if we look like that to little people.
- Grandma Judy on May 12, 2021
Cole, this was a very intricate painting. So many different interesting things in your village! I like it.
- Grandma Judy on April 12, 2021
I like your colorful trees, Cole! Grandma Judy
- Grandma Judy on April 7, 2021
I really like this one, Cole. Took a lot of thought to mix the different colors.
- Grandma Judy on March 24, 2021
Cole, that was really a lot of work. I just finished a book that had a reference to artist Joan Miro. Pleased that you also know her work. Grandma Judy
- Judy on March 24, 2021
Cole-nice job! I am always interested in how you create your artwork. Thank you for explaining your artistic process!
- Grandma Sam on March 24, 2021
Nice work Cole! I really like all the rainbow colors an your picture. It adds cheer to the winter day!??
- Auntie Ann on February 17, 2021
Cole, I love the colors in this piece! Grandma Judy
- Grandma Judy on January 27, 2021
Cole-this is very interesting! I bet it took some good thinking to figure this out. Great job!
- Grandma Sam on January 20, 2021
Dear Cole, I see you REALLY like popsicles, but you also like all the other foods I like, too. When we can travel again, and people do not have to social distance, can Grandpa Bob and I take you to lunch for whatever you want to eat? We should invite Luke, too, and perhaps one of your friends. Love you, Grandma Judy
- Grandma Judy on January 20, 2021
Cole-I love this penguin! It is so cuddly looking. I love the bright scarf Around his neck too. Great job!
- Grandma Sam on January 20, 2021
Cole, I like your bull! He appears to be a happy fellow.
- Grandma Judy on January 20, 2021
Cole, I love the colorful Turkey feathers! Reminds me of all beautiful fall leaf colors! Great job!!
- Auntie Ann on January 20, 2021
Cole, your sleeping fox looks so nice, all curled in on himself. You are a good artist!
- Grandma judy on January 20, 2021
Cole-I love this polar bear! Great job on the torn paper Colorful pieces - looks like snow floating down!
- Grandma Sam on November 25, 2020
Cole-I love your snowman! What a great idea to create his shadow too! Very creative.
- Grandma Sam on November 18, 2020
Cole, this snowman one is so neat! Never thought of the white/black combination.
- Grandma Judy on November 18, 2020
This one is really eye-catching, Cole! Nice work.
- Grandma Judy on November 18, 2020
Cole - I love this picture of the owl with the moon in the background! Great job! It reminds me of the owl that was in our tree this spring.
- Grandma Sam on November 18, 2020
Hi Cole, I love your fall leaves!
- Auntie Ann on November 18, 2020
Cole, that is a great pumpkin! I like the shading from lighter to darker.
- Grandma Judy on November 18, 2020
I love your cat Cole! Nice job and so colorful. Reminds me of our cat, Sox!
- Grandma Sam on November 18, 2020
Cole-your purple dots are quite interesting! I wonder if the dinosaur can connect them! I know you love purple??Nice job?? Love you, Grandma Sam
- Jean on September 20, 2020
Beautiful snowflake!!! Cole
- Ann on November 20, 2019
Cole-love your cool design and the bright pink color. This reminds me of a shiny spider web. Great job!
- Grandma Sam on November 20, 2019
Cool project Cole! Can't wait for you to bring it home Love, Mom
- Joy (Mother) on November 19, 2019
Cole, great picture of kitty's looking at the moon!!
- Ann on November 6, 2019
Cole, such colorful cats staring at the moon. Great use of different colors.
- Grandma Judy on October 30, 2019
Love your pumpkins Cole!! You are very creative! Love, Grandma Sam
- on September 25, 2019
Cole, this is a lovely, colorful drawing.
- on September 25, 2019
Sweet pumpkins Cole! I find it interesting that you drew them in different shapes just like real ones come. Can't wait to go pumpkin picking with you this fall.
- Joy (Mother) on September 19, 2019
Cole your smile in this picture looks as big as when you earned your gold belt in karate last week! Nice work!! Love Auntie
-- Ann
- on May 1, 2019
Cole your self portrait shows the warming, sweet personality that we see in you! Love it! ??
-- Ann, Will
- on April 22, 2019
I can totally tell this is yours, with all the purple! Love you buddy.
-- Mom
- on April 19, 2019
I love seeing the progression in your self portraits. You are making significant improvements. I do enjoy the rainbow emanating from your head too, so pretty :)
-- Mom
- on April 19, 2019
These northern lights are just beautiful. I really like the way the chalk feathers away from the line just like the real northern lights do too.
-- Mom
- on December 9, 2018
Cole, this tree is wonderful. You know how much I love green and I really like how you used 2 different shades to add interest.
-- Mom
- on December 6, 2017
Cole-I love your big green tree! It reminds me of our Christmas tree before we decorated it. Great job! Grandma Sam xo
-- Jean
- on December 6, 2017
Very colorful art work Cole! Good job-keep up the good work! Grandma Sam
-- Jean
- on December 6, 2017
Dear Cole, I love the vibrant colors in this piece. Good job.
-- Judy
- on November 22, 2017
Beautiful burst of colors! Nice job Cole ??
-- Auntie Ann
- on November 22, 2017