Jon245's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Jon245's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jon, I am glad I had the chance to be your art teacher. Good luck in middle school and remember that you can keep adding to your online portfolio here until 12th grade. I am going to join your fan club so I can see your talent grow! Mrs. F
- on June 11, 2007
Hi Jon, I like your iHit. I'm not sure how you did it... maybe you used a camera. see you soon. Aunt Betsy
- on June 11, 2007
Hi Jonny... I like this artwork, but I would like to know what it is made out of!! It looks really neat; you will have to tell me about it next time I see you. Love, Katie
- on June 11, 2007
Jon, You are a very good artist. I always enjoy seeing your work. I hope your mom frames all of these paintings. Maybe I can have one for my house! Love, Aunt Betsy
- on December 14, 2006
Jonny- I just wanted to tell you that you are quite a talented artist!! I loved all of the pictures on this website, and I hope there will be lots more to come...This baseball picture is awesome, and it's perfect because it shows another one of your talents!! Keep up the great work; I am looking forward to seeing more of your artwork!! Love you, Katie
- on December 14, 2006
Jon: Your colors are bright and really move across the page. I like the positive and negative space that the images provide.
-- from Teacher
- on July 4, 2006
Jonathan, Let me guess , your baseball player is........ on the Cubs!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!! It's to bad the Cubs aren't in the playoffs. Do you have a name for your baseball player?
-- from Jenny
- on July 4, 2006
Jonathan, Your cake is totally cool!!!!!! I love the candle and the colers!! I love the chocolate,pink,and green,is it? What kind of icecream would you want with it? I would want vanilla.
-- from Jenny
- on July 4, 2006
jonathan, your mohawks are awesome in your American Gothic spoof. Why does the lady have red hair?????
-- from jenny
- on October 6, 2005
jonathan, I really like the colors you used on your flying carpet!
-- from jenny
- on October 6, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on September 26, 2005