Romanie2's Comments (55)

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Below are comments about Romanie2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Our heart is the place of our emotions and feelings and this heart of yours shows me the mixture of colours and movements we al have to deal with in our lives as human beings. I like it very much, Romanie. It' s a great symbol.
- Rika on March 30, 2022
I get in a good mood by watching your artwork. Although I'm a bit scared too. Anyway it doesn't leave me indifferent. The vivid colours of this creature in motion show me that life is exciting. Thank you Romanie for your fantasy and talent.
- Rika on March 30, 2022
Lieve Romanie, Ik vind je hart echt prachtig... Het is een hart dat alles in zich draagt. Er zijn de Vreugdevolle kleure die blijdschap en warme liefde in zich dragen... Er is ook het donkere.. De pijn, de minder leuke zaken die er soms ook in ons leven zijn.. Het is echt zo mooi en betekenisvol.. Heel veel liefde voor jou, mijn lieve Romanie.. Proficiat
- Bonnie on March 30, 2022
Thanks for sending me this beautiful arty heart, Romanie. I adore the colours you have used (heavenly blue, hopeful green, warm yellow and of course passionate red, all colours which overwhelm the darkness (the black), deep in the heart). Of course I also like the white halo around the heart and last but not least - your playful spirit again!! - I love the heart's cat's ears :-), because cats are great listeners and a heart that is prepared to hear someone out, is a big and a sweet heart, isn't it? Just like you, sweetheart Romy! (I was just thinking of Samantha, your piano-teacher, who called you sweety even though you were not very eager to play according to her guide-lines, that afternoon ... :-) XXXX tantie
- Tantie on March 30, 2022
Oh, yes, I want to celebrate your creativity, Romy!! In the meantime I think we can celebrate Chinese New Year, can't we? Maybe 2022 is - according to the Chinese calendar - the year of the dragon? What a wonderful butterfly-faced dragon you have created! The water colours you have used are candy for the eye (strawberry (the red) and banana (the yellow) taste :-) You know, Romanie, since last year Belgium has a new princess, her name is Delphine and she is a great artist who also uses bold colours. She doesn't only paint on canvas but also on other fabrics, like e.g. silk and doing so, turns her work into wearable art (she created some smashing shawls and scarves), when I saw your dragon I immediately thought: Romy should send it to Delphine so it could feature in one of her works. My suggestion would then be: when you're feeling cold, wrap a fire spitting sweet dragon around your neck and wear the 'Princess Romanie' scarf! :-) XXXX and lots of love XXX
- Tantie on March 21, 2022
Dear romantic Romanie! What a lovely paintwork. Seven (holy number) elegant (Russian?) birch trees in full winter, all the leaves have fallen and there is extra snow in the air. The forest animals are watching you (and me too of course), especially the deer buck in the centre of your artwork looks alert and seems to be aware that we are watching him. I like that aspect of your work because it pulls me right into it and gives me a feeling of taking part. The way you have coloured the sky and the sun is really arty, Romanie and an impressive proof of your artistic talent. And of course, the little toad-stool with its front-door :-) makes me smile. My eyes adore discovering funny surprises in the creations you make! XXX
- Tantie on February 17, 2022
In flemish we use the word 'schilder' for painter. People who live in Kortrijk for example say 'skilder' in their proper dialect. Well, Romanie, that's why the word 'skullder' (non existing word) came into my mind when I saw your artwork :-) I think though, that you didn't use paint to create this portrait, but that you used the computer or that it is some sort of a collage? Am I right? I also think (but that's just me, thinking) that this is also a Frida Kahlo hommage (because she painted lots of skulls and skeletons) and if this is the case, I congratulate you on your very stylish, modern and pure work with a F.K.-twist (or 'knipoog' in flemish, with the red camellia-eye as eye-opener)! Very creative work of (quality)(and) art!!! I love your talent, keep using it, Romanie and keep sharing it! XXX tantie
- Tantie on December 29, 2021
My dear Romanie, What a beautiful work of art. I like Frida Kahlo and I recognized her immediately. So, that is a sign you dit it so good. Continue with this drawings of persons who lived a very special life. All my love, Bonnie
- Greta on November 4, 2021
dear Romanie, thank you for your gift of (he)art! As soon as I opened the Artsonia-mail I recognised one of my favourite artists of all time: Frida Kahlo. So this means that your artwork is a really good work. I think you must have heard or read about Frida K.'s life, work, love and pain, Romanie, because you were able to integrate all of the inner elements of her strong but tormented personality into the portrait you've made. Of course there are also some outer elements (her typical eyebrow, the flowers in her hair, the choker around her neck, although this can also refer to how life gradually took her breath ...). But: her gaze has it all!! Congratulations, Romanie! P.S.: I also love the little bird (a wood-pecker?) in the background, because somehow (to me) it symbolises how a hurt tree (a hurt person, Frida was severely handicapped after an accident) can provide food, in other words, how pain can feed the soul. I think you are - though little - a great artist! Lots of love from tantie
- Tantie on October 20, 2021
Great job Romanie!! I love your solemn Frida. Keep up the good work, mom.
- Charlotte on October 16, 2021
Hi, dear artist, what a great portrait of your colourful family. I love all the blue, red and purple patches of crayon, they simply illuminate the whole! Of course I must congratulate you on your talent to put so much resemblance into each member of your family, truly, Romanie, I can recognise each one (although ... :-) Salt (or is it Pepper) has shrunk terribly (was he left unknown, sleeping on the dirty linen in the washing-machine, hottest washing-programme??) It's a real F.F.F. (fantastic funny family)!!! Love your (he)artwork!!
- Tantie on July 15, 2021
Hi, there, young artist whose statement (written on her shirt) I can't fully read (is it "I'm a clever monster" or "I'm a step monsoon"? = a wild wind passing by when travelling by step?) I cannot fully read. The other hints on the self-portrait are easy to understand, though: your love of cats (Pepper and Salt), of cat-fish !! (octopus) and your dreamy head in the clouds where you can let your artistic, colourful kites fly ... (ask your daddy to sing the old song 'Me maine vlieger en zaine steert ... ' in Ghent dialect, you will love it!!) HeARTy greetings from Towerwood XXX
- Tantie on June 24, 2021
Dear Romanie, I didn't know that 'the mall' takes up so much of your space :-) I'm happy to see two trees guarding the entrance though ... And I also have a question about the thing I see floating above, right in front of the cloud near the 'Empire State Building spire'. Maybe it's because my eyes are getting older but I wonder what it is ... Is it a big fat overweight bird or is it a meteor or 'ein Engel über N.Y.'? Always great when a collage or any artwork is somehow intriguing :-) Love your work XXXX
- Tantie on May 12, 2021
I like your picture very much... I recognise the figure....You have a very good eye,Romanie.
- Bonnie on March 17, 2021
Hi there, Romanie, and by the way, congratulations on your patron saint's name-day today (according to our 'De Druivelaar' calendar, the 'blessed' Romeo & Romanie are celebrated on this very 24th of Februari). Maybe we can do a joyful dance (ballet) on the 'Nutcracker's suite' by Tsjaichovski :-) :-) while glancing at your beautiful creation. You know, Romanie, up in the attic I have all the attire we need to dress up just like the colourful nutcracker you have so beautifully drawn and painted. I also love the snow-crystals-effect you managed to make!! (wax and water colours???) Lots of love from tantie, longing for your cracking smile & jokes!
- Tantie on February 25, 2021
Deze installatie doet me denken aan wat jij, Romanie, in je dagelijks leven zoal gebruikt of bij je hebt. Mooi in passende kleurenpallet bijeengebracht. Tof.
- rika delafontaine on April 2, 2020
I had never heard of a colour wheel before in my life, Romanie, but I like what I read (the word 'colour wheel' sounds like a colourful wheel of fortune, a whirling cycle of happiness). I also truly like your installation , the way you have put every day objects according to the colours of the rainbow. I think it's a meaningful wheel: there's the boots (our journey in life, also when it rains we need to go on, as these boots are wellingtons :) , the tomatoes, pumpkin, banana, apple (the food mother earth gives us daily) and the objects that are man-made tell me that life can only get better when we create things that make our lives better (clothes against cold, books to read, etc.) You know, Romanie, if this work was exhibited in a museum it would be priceless!!! Great art work!! I love it!
- Tantie on April 2, 2020
Die mooie tijger van jou kijkt mij recht in de ogen. Ik denk dat hij me toch niet zal verslinden maar gewoon mij jaloers maakt met zijn tijgermotief. En hij kijkt lief en schattig, een beetje als een poes. Teken en schilder maar verder Romanie , je hebt talent. Tante Rika
-- Tanterika
- on July 24, 2019
"ROAR", let me first say hello to your friendly and somehow shy tiger, he looks at me as if he is a bit overwhelmed, I really sympathise with your big but soft great striped cat! Of course I do love all kind of cats and all cat-like creatures and CREATIONS. Therefore I'm quite mad about your latest art work. I think that you painted the snout really well, especially the goosebump-like little holes, where the whiskers sprout from do the trick for me. But: question? Is this tiger a girl and did she use her lady-shave, earlier on ... ? Fantastic details too, Romanie: the leaves above, the flowers and the buzzing bee!!! You're the sweetest artist I know, honey.
-- Tantie
- on July 24, 2019
Oh my dear granddaughter Romanie. I love your work so much. The tiger is full of life and joy. I would like to be his friend. Take this little tiger in your luggage for Belgium, than he will be the spot in my stting-room !
-- Bonnie
- on July 3, 2019
Een sterke en lieve tijger tegelijk, een mooie tekening van een prachtig dier
-- Hilde
- on July 3, 2019
Hi, my name is tantie, I love to send an online comment to my little cousin who loves to paint!! Dear and sweet Romanie, I felt pleasantly surprised to find your creative full body self-portrait! Of course, you look very lean and slim and not at all full in it. (just joking) I'm happy to see (and to read, hidden in the pinkish wax-writings) that you are doing well and that you feel happy within yourself. Did you know (and that is something psychologists say) that it is very important in life for people to like and love yourself? Because it is only possible to love your fellow human beings when you love yourself! Your long eye-lashes, your red smiling lips and your beautifully long plaited blond hair, together with your waving hand and the heart pattern of your dress, tells me how great you're doing and that makes me feel great too!!
-- Tantie
- on May 8, 2019
Dear Romanie, your seahorse makes me dream of that wonderful world under water. The seegrass, the Coral reefs … beautiful. You've been there Romanie? Anyway you can imagine it. Make us dream Romanie.
-- Tante Rika
- on July 4, 2018
dear artist, I may be wrong, but are you a little worried about what is happening to our seas and to the oceans? I simply ask because somehow I experience this piece of art work as an 'engaged' one, because to me, this little sea-horse looks angry and frustrated and it curls up its tail like wanting to tell us: what the hell are you doing to my under water world!? All your waste and plastic is turning my home into hell, it makes me sick and unhappy. I think, Romanie, that art can also help people think and wake up and realise that they have to start doing something about a certain global problem, such as for example the care for the environment. That is what your creation is telling me. Even the coral below, points out a correcting finger. I think I am also influenced by the famous photograph of the little sea-horse that is clinging onto a wasted human cotton stick.( I'll send it to your address at home) Great work that has a great message for the world. Love from tantie
-- Tantie
- on July 4, 2018
dear artist and natural talent Romanie, of course your latest art work tickles me like gras can tickle my bare feet, I love creations in which the artist uses elements from our natural world. The wooden poles, the tree with real leaves, the hay, the lichen bear (? or is it a green sheep, or a horse, or a rhino? with its acorn shield?), it doesn't really matter, it's simply fantastic to enjoy your creation. The colours are also well chosen and top elementary natural colours: blue for water, green for flora and brown for all earthy matters! You keep surprising me with your artwork, Romanie and it's great to be part of your fantasy world! Love you lots!
-- tantie
- on June 25, 2018
Do you know what happened to me when I opened this artwork of yours? I went "AAAAhhhh how beautiful O, O, O!!" and my mouth fell open with admiration. Don't worry it's closed again, right now, but my lips are still in the smile position. How I love your latest artwork, Romanie. I recognised you straightaway, although you begin to take after your mum and sister a lot. The colours you chose make me happy and the rainbow in the blue sky doesn't give me the blues! Of course I'm mad (as a hatter?) about the little rabbit and crazy about the big fat buzzing bee (or is it a bumble bee? maybe not, because these don't produce honey and we like honey, don't we, Romanie, my honey?) I hope your red arty heart (on and under your dress) keeps pumping in a spring time modus! I love you and your creation!!XXXtantie
-- Tantie
- on June 25, 2018
Romanie! What struck me at first is how you resemble your mum when she was about your age! And then of course I was struck by the sunny and green cowboy-booted rainbow warrior with the spaghetti hair. You look very determined with your hands in your sides and your legs apart, like you are saying : here I am, I would like te tell you something! I think that the thing you wish to tell us is, that the world is a very colourful and beautiful place and that expressing this wonderful life experience in art is a great thing to do! Lots of arty greetings and keep walking your lovely painted rainbow!
-- Tantie
- on May 9, 2018
I'm impressed dear Romanie. The owl you drew, sitting on a branch in the middle of the night is very real and once I saw an owl just sitting and looking that way. Yes, your artwork is as beautiful as nature is. But that a girl like you can choose the right colours and forms so that I feel the power and the beauty of the owl is the work of the artist that you are. Congratualations.
-- rika
- on March 28, 2018
Romanie, I'm really impressed by your arty creation of this wonderful and wise owl! I'm very fond of your way of putting each element of your drawing in position: the old tree, the sickle of the moon, the 5 stars, the 3 clouds above and the 3 clouds behind your magnificent and solemn intelligent night animal. A bird that can see at night, fly towards the moon, but also sit still and look to the world from all sides (because it can turn its head all around), so it sees things from alle sides, that's what makes this animal so wise and spiritual. Maybe it is just there by accident, but I can see a human or buddha like face in its right wing. Do you also recognise the smiling buddha?? When next time you visit me, come and have a look at a similar ear-owl, here in my kitchen (created by a taxi-dermist), I'm sure you will like it! Lots of ooh-hoo-ing and congratulations on your talent.
-- Tantie
- on March 26, 2018
Waaauw Romy, it is so beautifull..It is my favourite know..the house of Bonie full of owls! Your colours are magic. Sweet kiusses for you and the owl you created.
-- Bonnie
- on March 26, 2018
Dear me!!! DEER me!!! How I like your original creation. What a sweet and rare deer you have created! It looks like the limousine version of a reindeer and it has such soft and friendly antlers, they look like waving hands! Is it dancing in the moonlight, under the stars? I would really like to caress its long brown back and ask it if I may ride it, up to the highest blue mountain top. Lovely piece of artwork, Romanie!!
-- Tantie
- on March 21, 2018
I like your Kandinsky hearts, Romanie...They look so friendley! All my love, Bonnie
-- Bonnie
- on February 8, 2018
What a magnificent colourful hearty and whole-hearted piece of work, Romanie!! You have arranged the colours and shades of colour in such a way that this combination pleases the eye and gives the brain a relaxing and enjoyably tickling massage ... Kandinsky's work has surely been a great inspiration for you and I think the painter would have loved your interpretation a lot, I'm very sure about that, because the artist was Sagittarius like I am (he was born on December 16th) and I shot my virtual arrow straight into the red heart, third in the middle row! Arty and hearty greetings and fond heart-beats from me for you and your pulsing work!!
-- Tantie
- on February 8, 2018
O, how I love this artwork, Romanie. What an original creation made out of your very personal and unique standpoint and point of view. If the name of a well-known artist would have been written underneath, it would cost billions of dollars, it really would!! Maybe I like it so much because it reminds me of our own dinner table, here in the Oude Gentweg, when looked upon from above. You know, Romanie, when you are up the stairs (where the toys are) and look down, you can see the people round the table looking up, just like your family does in your artwork. Visually it also reminds me of a 4-armed- star (Christmas star?) Of course I'm also very fond of the cat (Pepper), the colours you have used, and the parquet floor and its earthly warm wooden glow!! I think I'm going to order a mug featuring this artwork of yours, Romanie and drink from it on New Year's Day while you are around our dinner table!! See you!!tantie
-- Tantie
- on December 14, 2017
Romanie, your work is magical. I imagine I'm walking in that fabulous landscape. And I meet you under the moonlight. Splendid painting, Romanie!
-- Tante Rika
- on November 22, 2017
Wow Roamnie! What a fantastic house! I would love to play in it with you, Louvine, Ayame and Noa! It is so cool with all the spooky but also friendly creatures! I think Ayame would be a little afraid of the spiders. But we would help her, right? Maybe they guard the house, like the banana spider in New Orleans?
-- tante Leen
- on November 22, 2017
Help!! Help!! How scared you have made me!!! Really, I am shaking in my chair, shaking and shivering like the haunted house in your artwork! Gosh! What do I see? Is that you walking so calmly towards your scary house? But of course, I should have known: It's just your splendid creativity and fantasy that created this house! I needn't be afraid because it's not real but ARTificial! What a relief!! Now that I dare to look I want to tell you that I love your blue bat, what a friendly flying mouse. I also adore your singing and hovering little ghost ('O O O O' that's what it is singing, or is it 'Wooh hoo hoo'?) So, now that my fear is gone, I would very much like to pick up the orange pumpkins in your art garden and prepare a big kettle of delicious soup and share a bowl with you and your family and friends!! Spooky kisses from tantie-eeeeeeeee (sounds like the noise of a squeaking door!!!!! Does that frighten you? Just teasing...)
-- Tantie
- on November 22, 2017
dear, heavenly creature and creator Romanie, it is not strange at all that the word SKY is hidden in the name of the artist according whom's style you have worked! KandinSKY : in sky!! I really feel like flying into the sky and space again. Your oil painting is so vibrant in colour and so round and never ending in form, like a galactic tornado it draws me to the center of the eye of a heavenly storm and I disappear willingly in its warm, inviting, lively red center! Wonderful image full of spirit and magic mystery!! Kandinsky-kisses from tantie
-- Tantie
- on November 1, 2017
You're a nice family, standing together, you are strong. Your cats like to be at home with you. I like the the small hearts, the letters and scratches in the paint. I like the colour. It 's a piece of art, really!
-- Tante Rika
- on October 25, 2017
This is one of the best family portraits I have seen in my whole life (and I am already 56 years old!). It's such a lovely quartet and with Pepper and Salt included it's a 'fun-4-pets' picture! (I also adore cats, I have lots of them : Lori, Zorro, Bindi, Loesje, Dotje, Kindji en Minog, and the cat-food I buy for them is called 'Fun4Pets') Of course I could immediately recognise your mum and dad but as for you and your sister I wonder if I am right when I think that the more sun-tanned one is you. Am I right? The background is very mysterious, is it a special technique you have been learning of late? Do you need candle-wax to cause this effect? I guess so because I learned to work this way years ago, when I was about your age in primary school. I was very excited about it because it always felt like magic going on when I finally covered my wax drawing with paint. I hope you love it too! I gave each face in the artwork you've made a kiss, so now there are four lipstick stains on my computer but I don't mind at all!! XXXX tantie
-- Tantie
- on October 25, 2017
Nice work R! We all have changed! I love the background. Mom.
-- Charlotte
- on October 19, 2017
Dear artist Romanie, I DO love self-portraits and of course I LOVE your self-portriat. Self-portraits give me some insight into how a person thinks and feels about himself and that is always intriguing. First of all I'm glad that you have put yourself in front of a pink back-ground, which makes me believe that you see 'la vie en rose'! Then I also like the lines you have drawn on your forehead, because it makes me know for sure that you are a girl who is not afraid to think about life and what is going on in the world. Your ears are also open to what people have to tell you. Your eyes look straight to me, so you don't have to hide anything, you are open and self-assured! You are also unique and original and a little bit out of the box, because you wear your hair asymmetrically! Your green t-shirt tells me you are calm and the dots on it tell me you are playful. And of course green is the colour of nature, so I also learn that you love our green environment! GREAT portrait! One thing about it I find funny : your lips are sealed and your cheeks seem full of cake? chocolates? sweets? candy? Sweet greetings from tantie who loves you lots!!
-- Tantie
- on October 4, 2017
Oh my dear grand-child Romanie. I like the colours and the forms you gave to this artwork. I am so proud!
-- Bonnie
- on September 27, 2017
What a colourful spiral, what a wonderful twirl of colour waves, Romanie. Your painting also makes me think of the inner center of the earth or any other form of life, somewhere in space, the white hole in the middle is like the entrance towards eternity. Lovely creation! Keep painting with all your heart, I love your art work and heart work, Romanie!!
-- Tantie
- on September 27, 2017
My dear, sweet Romanie. First of all : you look much better and lovelier and younger and happier in real life than you do in your stained-glass self-portrait. Maybe you didn't like this activity? Maybe you prefer to draw and paint on paper instead of glass. So I would like to say: it is indeed very difficult to paint oneself (I would also find this very difficult), you tried hard but I prefer to see you in a looking-glass (mirror) because you have such a lovely face and elegant body. Art is artificial and your natural beauty cannot be captured in an artificial way!!!
-- Tantie
- on July 5, 2017
Of course I couldn't hold back myself writing a comment on your ginger man, Romanie, because I'm a gingerbread auntie! Since years I have been baking gingerbread according to the recipe from your mother's great grandmother Febronie. Now that I see your gingerman, I shall try to find a baking tin that is shaped the same way. If I can find one I shall bake a real ginger man especially for you!! But till then I shall enjoy your creation and eat it with my eyes instead of with my mouth, I shall taste it with my sense of aesthetics instead of my tastebuds and I am sure my appetite for art and beauty will be stilled! Of course I will also lick the lolly-pop and bite the croissants .... Sweet kisses from tantie
-- tantie
- on June 14, 2017
'Your favourite snow time memory' artwork looks wonderfully New Yorkish to me, Romanie. I am almost sure that you lived this snowy moment in New York and not in Belgium! It's because I see a sky-scraper next to your snowman and a blue sky over the grey city. I can see that you have enjoyed New York's snow time together with your sister and that you were jumping for joy because your feet are off the ground. You also must have made the snow man yourselves because I can see that your hands are snow white (the sticky snow must have clung onto your gloves) What I also like in this artwork is the tree trunk on the side because it somehow refers to the link between city and nature. The people live in the building, the birds live in the hole you drew in the brown stem. What a harmonious look on life and living! And last but not least : the thing I also find amusing and which makes me smile is that your faces have skin that is white as snow and your hair (pig's tails) is red. So it's like 'Snowhite meets Pipi Longstockings' GREAT!
-- tantie
- on May 10, 2017
Hi, Romanie, what a crazy funny guy you have created! He makes me think of a cartoon character, let's say the personalized equivalent of the dog Pluto (do you know Pluto, I mean the dog, not the planet). Your human Pluto walks very funnily under the clouds (he should be careful because there are many birds flying over his head, so, they might drop something... But he wears a great hat, so he is kind of safe ...) I like the way you draw the sun, it looks like a giant sun flower! I wonder what song he is singing, because I see musical notes hovering around his head. I guess it must be a really happy song, please sing it to me next time when you visit! Lots of love and arty greetings from tantie and company.
-- Tantie
- on April 26, 2017
My lovely Romanie,I like your new work very,verymuch. It is so full of joy and I smile when I see it.
-- Bonnie
- on April 21, 2017
Beautifull, Romanie. I see your mum and dad, Louvine and you all together in a world of colours. I like it!
-- Tante Rika
- on March 8, 2017
dear little blonde freckled (is the spring sun already shining on your skin?) Romanie! Wauw, how I love your style : it feels like a great new comic-strip maker or cartoonist is rising!! Really, the 4 family faces you have drawn have all the essential characteristic traits in the lines and details of their portrait. Dad Luc and his glasses and thinning hair, mum Charlotte and her wavy hair and a few expressive lines on her fore-head (same for dad and Louvine!! Does this mean they are the "thinkers" in the family?) Mum is wearing beautiful jewelry and her collar has a meaningful red heart : is she the pumping heart of the family? I guess so! It's also nice to see how similar you 4 are in many ways (nose, girls' lips, pull-over, freckles...) Does this mean you 4 are 1??? I guess so too! Happy family!! (do you sometimes play this card-game? In Flanders we call it 'quartet'. When you visit next time, we'll play it. Bye for now. Keep painting!)
-- Tantie
- on March 8, 2017
Hello Romanie, your fish is very beautiful - just like a big colourful egg. You always choose nice colours, Romanie. I like them very much. The fish feels happy in the big, blue see. I think we can swim in our dreams next to him.
-- Tante Rika
- on March 2, 2017
sweet Romanie, there are a lot of fish in the sea, but yours is quite unique. As I feel it, it's a girl fish that swims in the Pacific Ocean, because your fish looks so peaceful. Its scales look rather oriental, and feminine. They make me think of the patterns on the saris of Indian princesses... But the most attractive part of your fish's body is its eye : very open and clear with long lashes! Blub, blub, Bravo!!!
-- Tantie
- on February 15, 2017
What a jolly, round and feathery turkey! It really looks so colourfully pleased by the way you have created its looks, Romanie. I'm touched by the fact that you wrote the words sister and animals and my cats in its belly, how grateful of you! Happy to see your artwork and that you are doing this so well!!
-- tantie
- on December 19, 2016
Dear Romanie, I love your thankful Thanksgiving turkey. I think the watercolors are beautiful and I am so happy you wrote that you are thankful for your sister and your cats. I am so thankful for you.
-- Charlotte
- on December 19, 2016